
God, she looks like such a mean, insufferable cunt*.

I guess Trump was right.

4. Nobody ever mentions the rape story, ever again.

Clearly, you have respect for the process.

I like the cut of this guy’s jib. I make my kids wear their Sunday best even when we are just watching Joel Osteen.

+1 Lipitor

With his BMI and your standard Wisconsin diet of cheese, sausage and beer? Medically speaking he’s probably a ticking ti-

And let’s not forget, these idiot white guys helped get a black guy elected President of a country that is clearly racist as shit twice. All those eloquent speeches that drew so many people to Obama? Favreau was his chief speechwriter. These guys are successful because they’re pretty good at what they do.

he follows it up with “the last time somebody hung up on me during an interview was Charlie O. Finley, when I was in sack-o-tomato” to really hammer home the ‘70s vibe

He sounds like Rush Limbaugh after the second kilo of oxy kicks in.

In my opinion it’s very weird to pose the NBA’s strongly anti-labor cap-and-max system as being something people with pro-labor politics should support.

My wife brought home some mini-chicken sausages for the kids to snack on and I started in on the “Snausages” catchphrase (the old doggie treats). Now they ask for “Snausages” and do the nasally dog voice too - I’m very proud.

Now that the Lions are indisputably bad, can we go back to asking Matt Patricia about those sexual assault allegations?

After starting the season with wins against Tom Brady and Aaron Rodgers, the Lions have gone from a team that had dark horse potential to one that is definitively ass.

Coach Fat Pile of Shit: “Stafford, sit up straight, have a little respect for the process.”

There you go again, spouting your facts and documented history.

Time to install that William Tecumseh Sherman statue in Atlanta.

You know, when you think about it, Heinrich Himmler was a lot like Elie Wiesel.

How much is it in Zubaz?

Both chuck toys haphazardly around the field, yet fake-peter man gets thrown in jail while Nate Peterman is starting on Sunday.