Good for Philly to have the longest and biggest thing again after Foles left town
Good for Philly to have the longest and biggest thing again after Foles left town
I...didn’t miss that? But that only refers to STIs (that’s the only reason why the Philippines reference would be meaningful)
They will get 0% of the zero top flight free agents they already weren’t getting. How will they recover?
Answer: Every fucking 17 year old with even the loosest grasp on how social media works. This is some top notch trolling.
That’s hardly a super yacht, my good man. *eyeroll*
Bust Out Another Thousand (BOAT)
Is the bridge headliner falling down, or is that “decorative?”
Rudder comes stuck hard to port.
Engler survived in July because two Democratic Board members—Perles and Ferguson—supported him. The victims have always distrusted him. The faculty spoke out against him from the beginning. As has the student body. But to a bully like Engler—think Trump, but with political (not human) instincts—it is simply about…
Ah, the GOP strategy. Everything is the fault of those god damned libs.
I went to school at Eastern Michigan in the 90's, where a ton of students were education majors. They all hated him for fucking over public schooling, this is just another feather in his cap of being a completely trash motherfucker.
Another Michigander here. This is pretty much how I expected things to go with Engler in charge of MSU. His greatest accomplishment as governor was leaving office due to term limits before the disastrous consequences of his defunding the State really kicked in.
I look forward to his guest appearance on Tucker Carlson.
Thank god. This fucking guy is the worst. He was governor when i lived in michigan and thinking about him makes me grind my teeth. I can’t express how much I hate him.
Fuck him somewhere very uncomfortable.
Alum here. I hated him with the fires of a thousand suns. His policies while in office were a joke.
what a disgusting embarrassment for the entire state.
Celebrating the 15tH anniversary of turning 30.