
I’m not even clear on why they would put that statement out. They are just confirming that they are culpable.

Keeping child abuse quiet for 3 years “for the sake of the children” what the entire fuck? 

This is a very, very long article for a very concise concept.

Holy shit that is insane. I’m not going to deny that I have ever mansplained - any dude with a lick of honesty and introspection would be absurd to deny they ever have - but I would hope to think I’ve never done anything even close to this. He might as as well have called her “sweetheart” and told her to go back to

At this point anyone purchasing a ticket for this thing is some kind of rubbernecker looking to observe/record the shit show for their own “content”. 

As soon as he starts polling above 20% (if that ever happens) look for the right-wing driven hit pieces linking him to Sharia Law and illegal immigration.

The man is clearly a dick,”

As our vegan friends remind us, it takes something like 1,850 gallons of carrying water to produce just one pound of beef

Grimes, for some reason, seems to be obsessed with Musk’s performative intelligence and imagined business acumen

Wow, you’re telling me the woman who once thought she could construct her own river barge and float off into some trust fund “bohemian” life continues to be one of the most vapid dipshits imaginable? Shock.

Boy, that’s really looking for the silver lining...

“I’m now way . . . smarter than I used to be.”

The assholes that attacked the security guard need to be prosecuted for assault, and most of the people who stepped in to help out the guard should not be charged. However, the unhinged dude that came in swinging a chair (and smashing a woman over the head who was already on the ground) needs to be charged for assault

A man hitting a woman in the head with a chair while she was lying on the ground was a step too far for me. Until then I thought they were getting everything they deserved.

I really, really want to unread the part where Rudy talks about getting hard.

I mean this is a dude obsessed with his dick. He gets lots of props for his post-9/11 actions, but peoplee ignore the fact that he kept the city government emergency headquarters at 7 WTC when all recommendations were to have it in BK, strictly because he was using 7 WTC to carry on an affair with Judith. City gov reac

Nah, it doesn’t surprise me. The World’s End is the one that gives Pegg’s the most to chew on, characterwise.

I understand his reasons for selecting The World’s End as his favorite, but Hot Fuzz’s script is a masterpiece of structure and dialogue equaled by the performances of everyone in the movie.

Maybe Mother told him to man up and testify.

Yes, he is known to crash weddings at Mar-a-Lago and toast the happy couple by bitching about how the election was stolen. It’s hilarious and anyone who books a wedding at a Cheeto property deserves to have their wedding derailed by him.