I think the important thing is to not get sucked into the cult of personality.
I think the important thing is to not get sucked into the cult of personality.
Glad the veil has been lifted. Maybe now Jez can stop trying to shove her down all of our throats like one of those vagina bananas...
That’s typical of conservatives. If they are forced by personal circumstance to recognize some right because they or their loved one suddenly needs that right, they’re for that right. But only that right. So if they’re trans but not a trans athlete, they’re for trans rights but not trans rights for stuff they don’t…
The absolute poster child of the Fuck you, I got mine American “exceptionalism” set.
The enemy of my enemy is still fucking terrible.
Oh, Caitlin. Always making herself the poster child for “Equality, but just for me!”
Yea, don’t start casting stones now Cait. No one has forgotten your overt sycophantic hypocrisy.
Caitlyn Jenner has spoken out against trans women’s participation in sports, but participated herself in a women’s golf tournament and supported a trans woman’s bid to join the LPGA. She is not a serious person in any way, shape, or form. Agreed that DeSantis deserves all the heat but Jenner is not the one to bring it.
Fuck off into the sea, Caitlyn. You vote for the face-biters every time.
It has become rampant on Jezebel the last few years. Kylie Cheung is among the most egregious. One can often learn less on a subject reading her articles that have a saccharine aftertaste in their ignorant snideness.
I scrolled up to see if maybe this WAS one of the fucking AI articles. I never get what’s going on with Kylie, though. I don’t think she’s a mean person but this is a ludicrously meanspirited article.
I don’t mean to pile on here, but okay, I’m joining the pile. This woman has been married to a sociopath for 25+ years. Who knows what kind of abuse, gaslighting, and stress she’s had to put up with over this period? But hey, let’s judge her on some off-hand remark she may not even have made upon having the truth…
This whole article is a super-shitty thing to write, but whoever wrote that headline especially should be fired. Into the sun.
Wish I could say this is beneath Jezebel, but this is just another entry in the steady decline. Y’all should have let AI write this one.
Y’all should feel ashamed for this article.
This is a shitty article.
Yep, this is a pretty horrible and indefensible write-up. Especially that headline too, making it sound like “It is what it is” is some sort of statement from the wife when its nothing more than an offhand comment from a third party describing the wifes experience of learning about everything.
Oh come on, we’ve all been there.
Way to design a clickbait headline to try and make the wife look as shitty as possible when she’s likely a victim in all of this too.
why does this author seem more upset about the wife not knowing than you know, the man murdering all those people....? good grief, y’all. unless we find out otherwise, she’s a victim too.