
The state has an interest in discouraging other people from doing similar stuff that results in death. This applies to anything. Discouraging parents from doing risky things that result in death of their children is a good thing.

Thank you. But given the author I’m not surprised by the hot take making a connection with Dobbs even though this took place in California and state laws haven’t changed.

I’m not seeing how this connects to Dobbs or Roe. Plus it takes place in California, which hasn’t changed its policies on access to abortion rights or healthcare. If anything it has strengthened those rights.

This is tricky. If you’re pro-choice then you have to hold that after a child is born, the parents are ultimately responsible for what happens.

Fuck. The internet is so exhausting sometimes...

What? Isn’t the entire procedure obvious? You dump the avocados in a bin, they get fed into a box, you see absolutely nothing that happens in the box, and a bowl of peeled, halved, avocados magically appear in a bowl in a drawer! What more do you need?

He started believing his own press releases. 

Musk would’ve been a terrible option too. The thing about Lex Luthor is that he is actually a super genius, whereas Musk is... well, decidedly not.

I’m picturing an army of Musk fans materializing to form a giant pile and break his fall, while saying he’s a genius for finally disproving the theory of gravity.

I kinda wondered the same thing, but someone pointed out that the amount of money the Saudis are losing here is pretty much a rounding error and the upside play to basically codify Twitter as a tool to crack down on dissent (something they’d already been using it for for years) was worth it, with the downside play of

That’s what makes this the worst timeline. We’re rooting for Zuckerberg because the alternative is the more embarrassing of TWO rocket-ship-owning real-life Bond villains. Bill Gates is the world’s most respected philanthropist. We think Warren Buffett is the lesser evil because he just runs his business like a 20th

There’s something Shakespearean about Musk. He for years paid people to cultivate the image of him as a “maverick innovator” buying him guest spots on SNL, the Simpsons, Star Trek, etc. The PR people running this campaign for him knew well that “the less you see and hear from him the better” as he’d immediately

Musk has also threatened to sue Meta citing the long established and recognized legal precidents of  “It’s not fair”, “Sour Grapes” and “How dare you?”

She’s a surfer and she’s not allowed to surf with men or post photos in a bathing suit? Are you kidding me? That goes way beyond boundaries. He’s asking her to change who she is so he doesn’t feel insecure.

I was sure Cara Delevigne’s vagina tunnel and dedicated BDSM room was going to be number one but hey, c’est la vie.

Indeed, when the candidate is more concerned about promoting themselves rather than their policy positions they will twist and spin like a weather vane.

She is the exception. She is positive she is the exception.

Even rebranded as Nikki, Nimrata would have have had a way harder time fitting in with white conservatives 40-50 years ago. I wonder if she actually forgets she’s not white or if she’s just that cynical. 

Does Candace Owens hate women or Black people more?

I live in Boston and it seems like the couple of surgeons I know have no problem balancing work and families. Maybe it’s just in Texas and Florida where women have to make these tough decisions.