
I still vividly remember her story about her brother. Looking forward to reading her book. 

That’s pretty wild. 

I’m so disappointed in this article and many others. Jezebel has really declined by promoting hot takes / clickbait vs well researched articles. There’s been a few thoughtful long form pieces which feel like a breath of fresh air, but used to be more of the norm. It’s strange the focus on the wife. From what I’ve read

She’s just doing MAGA-lite. Interesting she doesn’t even say to vote for HER to achieve those goals. She just says to vote Biden out. Haley is notorious for following the public wind. She initially said the federal indictment was troubling (one of the few to actively comment), but now she says she would pardon Trump.

I was going to say the same thing. 

Weird that one of the links about websites using a pull quote as clickbait didn’t get posted, here I’ll list it:

so you’re telling me closet organizer is not a legit job?

Truly wish I never read that Meghan Trainor quote. Washing my eyes out with lye now.

The amount of gleeful vitriol towards Megan still confounds me. Even with talk about misogynoir and her own personal essay, I still cannot wrap my head around it. She was shot.

Can’t wait for her memoir!

Had no idea it changed so drastically. I remember my dad having a subscription and I was bored to tears trying to read it as a child.

Ava DuVernay is good with it

Wow a familiar name - happy to see you publish here again!

Now playing

Ashley Simpson notoriously was booed off stage when she sang live (to make up for the SNL debacle). It was painful.

She can shrink and facetune herself to play the child version of herself, just like the actress in the bonkers Celine Dion biopic Aline:

This image has been forever seared into my memory unfortunately.

Lil Nas X would have gone viral either way. This was infinitely the better option.

didn’t she cheat on him with several men from her gym?

She must have learned after the whole Kidman phone tap thing. That whole era really was crazy.

We’re here for snark - not self reflection. How dare you!