Josh Hawley sucks. I hope he loses.
Josh Hawley sucks. I hope he loses.
I believe it’s John Kasich, former governor of Ohio.
So he’s an Evangelical politician who’s still a “bachelor” at 46 and knows so little about women and their bodies that he’d still never even seen a vagina at 30 and he thinks a pregnancy lasts 52 weeks? Mmmkay.
Umm where is the problem? Are y’all okay at Jezebel this week? You seem particularly touchy about perfectly fine representations of queer life this week.
Fuck Musk, the sooner that POS fades into history, the better.
I really dig her music, but I work in the industry, and she played one of my venues last summer and, well, “kind of annoying” really doesn’t begin to cover it.
Cool, thanks, now I’ll just spend the rest of my life vomiting.
If you’d just get off your ass and work, you’d have enough money.
As narcissistic as those naming conventions are, if I were any of those kids I'd be counting my blessings that my parents weren't Elon Musk and Grimes.
I’m fucking tired of Republicans holding up a single example to justify every horrible thing they want to do. “This person burned all their SNAP benefits for the month to buy lobster, therefore nobody should have food assistance. This person regrets their decision to transition, so nobody should be allowed to…
Anything Democrats say on abortion that doesn’t directly and forcefully say something along the lines of “Republicans want to force child rape victims to give birth to their rapists children” and/or “Republicans would punish victims of rape who seek an abortion more harshly than their rapists” is unacceptable. They…
Agreed. It says “I’ve run out of credible defences at this point, so I’m blathering”
I just consider it an admission of guilt by whoever throws it out at this point.
I really wish people would stop using the phrase “witch hunt”. It’s such a cop-out catch all phrase that gets tossed around too much.
Holmes is a monster. The massive problem is that at one point she realized she couldn’t will her magical wish-fulfillment technology into existence and started doubling, tripling, quadrupuling down to keep the fraud going. That’s the sociopathy. This whole thing reeks of someone who is just desperate to avoid…
Always remember, she wasn’t convicted for endangering the lives of patients tested with her product. She’s going to prison for swindling the rich, white men out of their money. There wasn’t really justice for the patients who may have been hurt by the bogus tests.
Holmes drove a man to suicide. She’s a sociopath.