
Are we still on this “missionary is vanilla” bullshit? If any position is vanilla, it’s doggy, the position humans and animals have been doing since the dawn of sex. Besides, missionary gives you easy access to the front, and there’s a lot of fun stuff on people’s fronts.

Missionary is great and I’m tired of people pretending it’s boring. Sex is only boring if the participants are boring.

Lifehacker has thrown off the shackles of the Herb and I am here for it! Death to slideshows. 

Can I just say how much I appreciate this being a list and not a slideshow?

The Fox News viewers would be more horrified by the end of that text than by the beginning.

Four of these are just different ways of saying, “Go meet people”. If it was that easy we wouldn’t be lonely. This is like telling obese people to “just eat less” or depressed people to “just cheer up”.

This all sounds pretty mild, in my opinion. Women who joined the workforce in the 70s and 80s had to deal with a lot worse than this on a daily basis. This just sounds like how regular guys speak when they think no women are listening.

Since everyone else posted something to the effect, leopards eating faces are definitely in play here. What frustrates the fuck out of me is I am sure Grossberg happily watched the leopards eat everyone else’s face, was aghast when they started to eat hers, and will gleefully watch the leopards eat other faces when

I’m willing to bet there were comments about the Murdochs as well. 

We keep forgetting that women are just as likely to be terrible as men are.

It’s possible she’s just as big of piece of shit as he is. Sometimes people do find their soul mate.

Christ, having to be around that douchebag everyday sounds like the 7th ring of hell. You got to wonder where the line is drawn to have to fucking see assholes like that and know you have knowingly attached you wagon to be publically seen as the wife of it.

She never thought the leopards would eat HER face.

I think everyone felt that was a rather lovely expression of somebody who was so transported by the music that it had some kind of effect on them physically or, dare I say, even sexually

“I saw the girl after it had happened, and I assume that she ... had an orgasm because she was heavily breathing, and her partner was smiling and looking at her — like in an effort to not shame her,” Grant said. “It was quite beautiful.”

I’m not sure why people would buy that the music had anything to do with it. Seems more like this person or person and partner have a sexual acts in public kink and were subjecting everyone else around them to it, which is pretty gross actually.

Also, Rachel Bilson said Bill Hader had a big dick and this site cannot let a mention of him go by without that coming up, so if Trainor mentioned the size of her husband’s dick (in her blaccent, probs) what’s the problem here?

Having known someone who had a tank of diesel filled into his Ford Escape I know that it can cost thousands if it doesn’t total the car. As getting the car to pass smog tests afterwards involves replacing a variety of sensors for the emissions control system...

I feel like this is all trying to distract from her saying “f*ck teachers” and getting a lot of backlash for it ( She’s a horrible person and this is totally her PR people trying to adjust public perception (how exactly did

Diesel in a gas engine is nowhere near as bad as gas in a diesel engine. Drain the tank and as much of the rest of the fuel system as possible, fill it up with gas, run it until it’s happy again.