
I just wrote half a novel in the comments saying basically the same thing. You capture it perfectly in fewer words. I was the “could never have one” person because what’s the point? I didn’t sip a cocktail for the taste, I wanted the taste AND the buzz. And once I had the buzz, I wanted to keep it.

I’ve been sober since 2004 and it’s been amazing for me. I loved alcohol, my favorites were beer and vodka. At the end, when I was buying tall boy Budweisers from a bodega after having been to rehab twice, it was clear I was in a huge downward spiral. I lost friends, relationships, and jobs. I almost lost my car and I

Meeting people just gets harder when you’ve stopped drinking. You realize just how much people’s entire ideas of leisure and recreation consist of “let’s go to a bar” and “let’s have a few drinks.”

You know, despite the largely terrible stuff on Jez in the past few years, every now and again, you guys crank out something like this. Great writing. Solid insight. I’ll probably read this piece several times.

by about 19 minutes into the ep i was losing it a bit thinking “guys, you gotta go get Conner, go get your brother”

Ruck’s been playing the long game here, slowly turning Con from a (perfectly played) buffoon to a heart-wrenching study of an abandoned man-child.

CPMs really don’t have any medical training. They may go to a midwifery school but the qualifications are super spotty.

He apparently tried. When he told them how bad the jaundice was and that the baby needed to get to the hospital, they refused and said they could treat her at home on the advice of the midwife. The doctor then tried to contact them 10 more times that afternoon and into the evening and they refused to pick up or

The doctor did inform them, and after trying to get in contact with them throughout the evening after having informed them of the risk and told them the baby needed to be admitted. After 10 contact attempts by the Dr, which they ignored and refused to pick up the phone or respond to his messages, he texted and told

Jesus fucking christ. Do you need this person to come in here as a queer trans, quadruple amputee POC who was raised by a white family after being adopted in order to check all your boxes and have a fucking opinion about practicing medicine?

Thank you for what you do. Your mere existence makes a difference for the survival and wellbeing of black kids. It’s frustrating to see folks argue with you. It’s frustrating to see black communities embrace Dr Sebi type of quackery. We don’t have the luxury of experimenting with woo-woo nonsense the way white

Also black peds here (sorry for the repeats, but have been in the greys). Treatment for jaundice in a hospital depending on severity(and aggressiveness of treatment) would usually be a 2 day stay at most. So it is possible that the child only needed 36 to 48 hours to bring it down and is why the child is not

I’ve seen the news in Dallas reporting that the child’s bilirubin level (the stuff that causes jaundice) was 21! Which was high enough to cause brain damage. The doctor told the family to urgently go to the hospital. The family declined and follows advice of the midwife. Im a black pediatrician myself. I would also

Infants do not get the same kinds of yeast infections as adults. It was probably a diaper rash. 

Hospitalization for jaundice depending on severity, cause, risk for worsening, and how aggressive the treatment (phototherapy) is, may only be about 36-48 hours. So it’s possible that if the child was hospitalized for 36 hours or so, then the child is out.

@kyliecheung you are not medical. And jaundice is not simply a mild symptom. There is actually a lot of monitoring that deems a child’s jaundice to be mild of course depending on the cause and severity. It’s like calling a fever mild without knowing the cause. It can be a lot more complicated than this. Usually in a

We don’t know if the baby was in the hospital for a few days.. there is home treatment too but you need equipment.

This family had the same pediatrician for 10 years and it was the pediatrician who triggered the CPS process, not just some random doc that the family never knew before.

My thought exactly. Midwives are there to assist with birthing, NOT to provide longterm medical advice or care. A noble profession for sure, but definitely not a pediatrician.

I’m a black pediatrician and something signficant is missing from this story. The reasons why black families choose midwives and home births are unfortunate and justified by how they are treated. And jaundice is a common condition that doesn’t require treatment...until it does. And then when it does, it needs to be