Spartan 316 Draconins

I was about to argue, then noticed you said B230F, not B230FT. So, yeah, you are correct.

300ish HP is a good amount for 240 wagons.

You don’t know. Maybe he’s wearing socks that have “LEFT” and “RIGHT” on them?

“how can they justify that?

It’s kind of bad in another standpoint: this appears to be the ONLY text on this skin, making its appearance even stranger.

Yeah it’s live and it’s pretty silly. Considering Blizzard is shamelessly absolutely milking their playerbase with these skin odds in new crate series now that there are so many possible skins (and nevermind how greedy Hearthstone is now), they shouldn’t be taking shortcuts like this, unwilling to hire someone

The Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal would’ve seen what you did there, but since you don’t see it, it assumed it couldn’t see you.

That seems highly ... improbable...

“Oh no. Not again.”

I’d rather be a bowl of petunias.

I’m not a lawyer, but from what I can tell, ironically, this particular action, though highly illegal for anyone else, doesn’t appear to be illegal at all for the president, who can unilaterally declassify any information he wants simply by talking about it.

Of course, even if legal, it’s an unbelievably stupid and

You said, “Trump and Putin gain from this. Assad does not. That’s all that matters.” That is to say, there are 3 players here, and the only thing that matters is that the one player who is accused of a gas attack had nothing to gain from committing the gas attack, but the other two do. What’s the conclusion you’re

Hey, I hate Trump. But if your only way to oppose him is to lean on a baseless conspiracy theory that apparently involves him collaborating with Russia to commit a false-flag war crime in order to justify an invasion that would boost flagging poll numbers, that’s insane.

Trump just gave the Russia the freedom to launch any military operation they want into the Syria, thats not “Russian appeasement” to you?

He’s only done this because people were blaming him for the gas attack, after his Secretary of State eased pressure on Assad by saying he didn’t have to leave power.

So when is he letting the refugees in?

Assad gains nothing from randomly gassing his own people, but this does provide distraction from the changes in the congressional investigation of Trump and Russia.

Why is someone automatically a cheap bastard if they don't tip, or leave a tip lower than 15% on horrid service.

Example: Last time I was at Old Chicago, our waitress took our drink order and then didn't show up at our table again for another 30 minutes. When she finally did show up, I ordered a calzone, my wife a

Leave it at the door. If I take my mom out to breakfast, I expect a pleasant experience. And when the waitress doesn't make eye contact and spends the entire time acting like we're bothering her just by being there, she gets 10%. Which honestly is my "benefit of the doubt" amount.

Actually this is a terrific example to support my opinion. If my power goes out, I only pay for the electricity that I used. If there's no power, then I don't pay. Likewise, if there's no service from my waiter, they don't get a tip.