Roger Moore was making movies in a different era.
Roger Moore was making movies in a different era.
I don’t think a meaningless author, who writes the more recent books and not the movies, would keep Elba from taking the role. He seems quite keen on it. However, Elba’s age is probably under consideration. He’ll be pushing into his mid to late 40’s by the time a first movie starring him would be made, and they’d want…
Err, there is cheap housing in some suburbs and rough neighbourhoods due to a surplus of old houses from pre-1950 when the area had a much higher population and due to the elderly continuing to die off. Most of the cheap houses are in areas that a typical middle class white person would be afraid to live in due to…
Where I live, most firefighters are volunteers, and that’s in a major metro area (Pittsburgh). There are 130 different municipalities (literally) in the same county as Pittsburgh, and I think Pittsburgh is just about the only one who pays their firefighters. Pittsburgh has a rather small percentage of the county’s…
Where I live, a country club closed down about 5 minutes away. Now the slumlord owners who are letting the weeds grow 12 feet high let hunters use it to hunt deer or whatever is in season, despite the fact it backs up on to houses and people have had some close calls. Ugh.
If there was a way to do it without traumatizing the parents beyond belief, I wish someone had leaked the photos of the dead children.
Choosing to date a wife beater is her own action. It also makes her a hypocrite, which is, you know, on her.
Huh. I didn’t realize Walter Palmer was black. No wonder he had such a strong reaction. I mean, that’s the only reason someone would strongly remember the most brutal torture of dogs, right? Because of race.
You mean the child molesters who typically stay on sex offender lists for a decade plus or their entire lives and can rarely get a job again, can’t choose where they want to live, sometimes can’t even use the internet for long periods? Who often have to resort to living in transient camps because there’s nothing else…
MOTY in WWE, perhaps. The person you’re replying to is a useless sexist fucknut, but there’s a world of wrestling outside WWE.
Google Canada and two tier health care, and you’ll find plenty of results like this that argue that the system should be reorganized so that those who are rich enough should be able to pay to jump ahead of the line:…
I’m from redneck central bumpkinville in eastern Ontario, and I’ve heard countless older people talk shit about the system, especially in the 1990s. It’s not an uncommon talking point during elections either by the fringe. Surely you’ve heard the domestic ranting about “wait times” and how Americans don’t have these…
There are certainly longer waiting periods (in some regions, health care is provincial in Canada) for things that many Americans could get sooner, like MRIs, etc. Sure, that’s an issue, and it’s an issue that could be addressed without throwing out the whole system. But it’s not exactly as though large numbers of…
“or because he’s white?” He’s not even “white” under the typical racist definition of these idiots, when it falls under different ideological lines. He’s half Cuban, his Cuban father wasn’t an American citizen at the time of Cruz’s birth, and his Cuban father fought for Castro during the revolution against Batista.…
You must not have been raised amongst conservative Canadians then. There are plenty of individuals who bash it based on anecdotal knowledge and ideology and talk about how “so many” go to the US to pay out of pocket. The vast, vast majority certainly support the system though.
The bad guy looked familiar because they made someone up to look like Javier Bardem in No Country For Old Men, but it wasn’t him.
And the son of Stannis.
I don’t know why all proposals I have seen federally push it on to the employer. We have too much, like health care, that relies on the employer. We need to get away from the system. Do the Canadian system where everyone who is working is entitled to unemployment insurance for a period of time (also covers *paid*…
Taylor Swift started as a “country singer” and was a country singer for three albums before getting into pop music. She stood there and played acoustic guitar a lot of the time. She wasn’t selling herself as someone doing choreographed dances, which would have been an entirely unnecessary part of her act. Even now,…