A movie about a (real life) pacifist is jingoistic? Hm.
A movie about a (real life) pacifist is jingoistic? Hm.
Glad you said some. I pay 160 a month, and they are upping that soon.
No, not campaigning in important parts of the country and ignoring the campaign advice of people like Bill Clinton is what got us here. When Obama and Biden come out after the election to strongly criticize your campaigning, you fucked up.
Yeah, they don’t kill American politicians and American journalists, just foreign politicians in coups and foreign citizens, including some journalists, by the hundreds of thousands. Because American lives are worth more than foreign ones, right?
Only 3 or 4 of these matches are particularly memorable. AJ/Styles, Zayn/Nakamura, Bayley/Asuka, DIY/Revival (which is a bit overrated at this point). Just shows how superior NJPW is at this point. Of those, Nakamura has been phoning it in ever since that first match. Zayn is extremely misused on the main roster. The…
The Young Bucks wouldn’t be allowed to be the Young Bucks on the main roster. Wanting them there is silly.
It is a regular plot event when anyone dies? They turn after they die, regardless of cause. That is why they always destroy the brain.
Not a US Citizen, so don’t take me for a voter, but assuming those Johnson votes would have largely gone to Clinton is illogical.
Not true. Every time I return to the US from Canada, I am sorrowful.
Has nothing to do with being a woman but a pattern of athletes, of all genders, who protest the loudest being PED users themselves.
I dunno. How much money do you spend on restaurant meals, alcohol, fancier clothes than necessary, electronics, cell phone bills, and other luxuries, and I will tell you how much you should spend on starving people. I doubt you are sacrificing yourself, you self righteous cunt.
Yes it is. Your insecurity isn't though.
WWE is a much more egregious case of abusing the IC status, but they have gotten away with it for much, much longer.
Better yet is to borrow a friend’s Costco membership if you have one nearby. 30 packs of the big bars/M&M’s/Skittles etc are $13-14. Pft to the 18 packs for $15.
Better yet is to borrow a friend’s Costco membership if you have one nearby. 30 packs of the big bars/M&M’s/Skittles…
What a fucking strange thing to complain about. Always has to be something.
That might be the most miserable looking model I have ever seen, which might be saying something.
Well, you were better off with the books.
I hate selfies, and I think we’ll eventually know there’s merit to the research being done that connects the practice with people being narcissistic. That said, how could it ever be right to single out this particular group of women for doing something that a high percentage of people do and something that the stadium…
I wonder how this works in terms of how broke they are. When I moved to the US via a legitimate marriage, my husband had to sign something called an affidavit of support and prove that he had sufficient income to support me since I could not be eligible for certain benefits until I had 40 quarters of work. So…
In response to an article about how Tom Hardy is the frontrunner, not Hugh Jackman. No idea what your point is.