
The third film largely takes place at a daycare or at the house of a female child. You have an appropriate username.

It doesn’t take a “fine tooth comb” to see if half the population has been represented much at all in a film series for children. Well, maybe it takes a “fine tooth comb” for someone like you. That would explain a lot.

There have been videos of Syrian rebels eating body parts of the enemies as a “desecration of the enemy” macho thing. Not sure if ISIS specifically has been said to do it.

There are fierce female soldiers in some of the Kurdish militia groups (which are very progressive by the standards of the area). Of course the US is give the green light to Turkey bombing some of those same Kurdish fighters, and few care since so many weep for the Palestinians but give no shits about the Kurds.

“Canadian bacon” is an American name for that product, it’s not something Canadians call it. The only instance you’ll find with that name is somewhere like McDonalds, since they don’t change their terminology. In my experience, Canadians are generally perplexed by the name. Bacon is bacon, and this isn’t what we call

“Canadian bacon” is an American name for that product, it’s not something Canadians call it. The only instance

The political spectrum doesn’t begin and end in the United States. Obama is center-right. That he’s considered on the “left” in the United States is key to understanding why this country’s political system is FUBAR.

Loved the second half, liked the first half. And as a long time Colin Farrell fan, glad he’s getting some props out there for this.

It looks like him to an extreme extent, but he isn’t credited anywhere for the show. If you google the two together, you just get a lot of people saying it looks like him, but he’s not listed in the cast anywhere.

They’re just small convection ovens, they really have little in common with a “fryer” other than they primarily advertise them as a way to cook “fried foods” like fries or frozen chicken strips. You can already do those things in a regular oven, of course, and they’ll still come out baked, just perhaps more evenly

They’re just small convection ovens, they really have little in common with a “fryer” other than they primarily

There is a video in the post. And there’s nothing fake looking about it, just the game with the textures turned down as low as possible. Which is what it looks like.

There’s a difference between being shocked and mocking it. You can be completely unsurprised about something and mock it.

“Holy shit. What is it with dudes getting drunk, making food, and passing out before said food is out of the oven/toaster/whatever??!!”

I’m 31 and Canadian and heard of her when I was a kid, so I say no.

I can’t give iRobot anymore of my money, no matter how often they say that their products are designed for pet hair. Buy multiple “pet hair designed” Roombas, and pet hair still gets deep, deep inside the machine, in all the bearings, and it eventually just takes 10x longer to take the whole vacuum apart than it does

I can’t give iRobot anymore of my money, no matter how often they say that their products are designed for pet hair.

Things can be cute while also being dangerous and not to be messed with. Like much of the world’s wild canines and felines.

The Condor that was successfully and famously brought back from being extinct in the wild due to extensive conservation efforts? Great point you’ve made there.

Fuck you for comparing this woman to Sunil Tripathi’s family or people criticizing video games.

I had never noticed before this headline that his name was spelled wrong. I was going to be the annoying asshole who called it out, assuming it was the writer, but thankfully I checked first.

Just because you say it doesn’t make it so. That is just born out of your own self interest and the ego all humans have to stand superior to others. The same type of egos that created religions to confirm for themselves that humans are super duper special.

Imagine possibly caring about that. Click on something else instead.