I would think the video was filmed around the time of his divorce (which was extremely nasty even by divorce standards), since the general time matches up, so I imagine she’s referring to that.
I would think the video was filmed around the time of his divorce (which was extremely nasty even by divorce standards), since the general time matches up, so I imagine she’s referring to that.
What on earth could be your problem with her removing her music from Spotify (because of their free tier) and getting all artists during the three month Apple Music free trial paid, when they weren’t going to be paid before? Why shouldn’t all artists be paid for their music? Christ, that’s one of the most valid parts…
Bad post to make this argument on. This guy isn’t having a problem. Being a middle aged married man who can’t get the attention of women 2 decades younger than him isn’t a problem. It wouldn’t be a problem for a married middle aged woman exclusively looking for attention from 20 something men either.
Fucking hilarious that Deadspin published this. I wish the animals had made you feel the rush more directly by getting you in the ass with their horns, you animal cruelty loving asshole.
No, there is nothing to be said for it. There are plenty of antiquated traditions that have been rightfully abolished and scored throughout history (and many still left to be abolished). By supporting the tradition directly and giving your tourist dollars to it, you were directly supporting the unnecessary torture of…
You are setting yourself up for some massive disappointment. This is still Vince McMahon’s company with Kevin Dunn in his ear.
I have a Samsung S5. It seems to lose the ability to lock on GPS more than I would like.
People like you thinking a cell phone will always be available to save you probably has its own attributable death toll.
Yeah, the father who took off to Israel for two weeks AFTER his kids were sent to jail definitely seems like a fantastic father.
The day after the order was made in court, he went off on a two week trip overseas. On business, I think, but if my kids were jailed (including a 9 and 10 year old!) because of this bullshit in my name, I wouldn’t be going off to Israel on a business trip.
So did mine, and so do many people talented with cooking steak. I prefer medium or medium-rare, but the whole “if it’s well or medium-well, it’s shoe leather” thing comes from people who have dealt with people who aren’t actually that good at grilling steak or people who are just repeating an overused cliche.
Your bigotry is sad.
How are they two different meds? Oxycontin is a trade name for the actual drug oxycodone, like Prozac vs Fluoxetine. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oxycodone
Only speaks to your inherent bigotry and biases, since only one group has any power. “Fanatical atheist” is usually just code for atheists ever speaking an opinion. Same with how “radical feminist” or “SJW” is substituted for “woman with an opinion” or “person showing basic empathy for others” on the internet.
The problem is that these teams would not be able to keep the top talent long term. Yeah, they’d have a disproportionately strong fan base, but few players willing to live in Saskatoon or Halifax.
What in the fuck is wrong with someone like this. I love when servers have a chance to pre-bus a table. I don’t want my table cluttered with dirty plates after we’re partially finished eating. My husband and I always pile up dishes neatly and push them toward the side so that servers can more easily take them if they…
S0 d0n’t fucking buy it. That’s the option consumers have. They’re a bunch of emotes. Who but really young children (emotionally or physically) could possibly care?
Nah, sorry, not unless someone demonstrates a problem with it. Since I can count the number of times I’ve ever had bad service from a server on a single hand (without needing to use all the fingers), it sure hasn’t resulted in too many problems. The vast majority of servers are competent and professional at their…
I don’t demand specific tables, I just ask for a different one (and give the reason, as long as it’s not in earshot of an annoying family, if that’s the issue at hand), so that hopefully the host has an option that works best for whatever distribution of tables.
Sorry, nah, I’ll decline tables sometimes, and if it’s a problem, I can take my business elsewhere. I know that there is a balancing act with making sure servers get equal numbers of tables, etc. But as an extremely high challenged person, I am not going to be seated at some ridiculous high top table when there are…