
Well no. From her perspective, if she politely told her friend to fuck off with that attitude, the friend would have internally or externally rolled her eyes and continued to think the exact same way. She was endeavouring to prove exactly why the friend was wrong. Obviously people are free to continue to criticize her

Why are you putting down dental hygienists or whatever as being failures? WTH.

Not sure what Quebec's curriculum is like, but I was never taught about Mandela or apartheid under the old Ontario curriculum, and my little brother (about Bernier's age) was never taught about it under the new one. We both know about these issues independently, but it wasn't something we got from school.

Sure it didn't. In the Brown case, McCulloch put Wilson up there on the stand (in the face of hundreds of years of established grand jury protocol where you don't present exculpatory evidence) to talk about how Michael Brown looked like a demon.

How old are you? They've had soups/chili for like 30 years and sandwiches for over 20. Time to move on. ;)

I'm more cynical than you, (with exceptions) I find the city to be largely full of faux-gressives who talk a good talk but suggest to them that they live in an area with schools that are more than 5% black students and see how tolerant they actually are. Should see how often I get the side eye when I say I live in

And you can still even now find defenders of them, saying Miles must have done something wrong. Good old segregated Pittsburgh.

My cats would roll in the residue of wherever they ended up popping, but they wouldn't play with the bubbles themselves.

Honestly I'm surprised they pay for flights for the lower guys. I was under the impression they didn't, except for some of the top guys. Hopefully one of these days someone gets the balls to fight the independent contractor status and puts WWE in a painful position financially. They'll owe a lot of back taxes to the

This idea that you can't talk back to police is amazing. My father, obviously a white man, has so many tales of talking shit to them because of how often he would be stopped on the roads for being out at 3 AM (he would leave for work at that time). He would throw tantrums every time, full of "I pay your salary"

Around here, there tend to be extremely frequent incidents of cars driving right into the front of buildings due to hitting the gas instead of the brake in the parking lot. Pretty much exclusively the elderly are responsible for these incidents. A lot of accidents where they hit pedestrians or manage to speed on to

Yep, that's true. I'm not sure how the costs would shake down between travel costs (some of the top people have theirs paid for as part of their contract, others have learned how to maximize their savings) vs the cost UFC fighters need to pay out to their training camps. Like as a percentage of income, WWE travel

One thing you can say about WWE at least is that they all have a downside guarantee now, and everyone, even the lowest paid women, is getting paid above poverty level salaries per year, plus some kind of cut of house shows, merch, and licensing (all recently reduced, plus the loss of PPV bonuses, but that's a

This is going to be horrendous for fighters at the bottom of the card because it's not like this is even the WWE or something, they don't have any kind of downside guarantee. Guys at the bottom of the card are getting fuck all in pay. Getting their outside sponsorships, sometimes even for local businesses in their

Figures. My brother is an Avalanche die-hard and always bitching about this asshole, and so the initial post made me think of Dater... and then I go to the comments, and welp.

Yeah, I could certainly see it running out quickly enough anyway. He's not an intelligent man.

Yes, it's unlikely that any of his givers would have to pay any taxes on the gift. The threshold is in the five figures, over $10,000. For the same reason no one is tax liable if their rich buddy gives them a few hundred or few thousand dollars for a gift, and not because the IRS would have trouble finding out about

They'll just put up another donation page to pay for that too, and they'll get hundreds of thousands of more, because that's how passionate millions of Americans are about police brutality and the racist status quo.

It falls under the gift tax. Gift taxes are owed by the giver, not the receiver, over a certain threshold that pretty much no giver would meet.

He does not have to pay taxes on the donations. If he's getting paid for media appearances, sure.