Not how it works. It's considered a gift. In the United States, gift taxes, over a threshold, are owed by the person giving, not the person receiving.
Not how it works. It's considered a gift. In the United States, gift taxes, over a threshold, are owed by the person giving, not the person receiving.
31 year old Canadian here (albeit one who has lived in the US for a few years), I've never heard of the Vanier Cup. Looks like Ottawa's only won once in my lifetime though, so maybe that's why.
and 3) being provided with the best steroids Hollywood actors can get.
Yeah, serious commitment aided heavily by steroids.
I don't know what a pet shamer is or why they're known to suck, but there are certain basic standards of life a pet should have, and being dragged around the country to do things that 99.9% of cats don't like doing is not meeting those standards.
There's plenty else in the interview about health, including about concussions, that has nothing to with Dr. Amman. Including many conversations directly from Vince when he's asking to come back in a week or two from an illness with an official 4-6 weeks out diagnosis.
The 'industry' isn't in that much collusion together. There's only one major game in town right now in terms of the US, but if he actually wanted to wrestle still, Japanese promotions wouldn't hesitate to take him. Mexican promotions wouldn't hesitate either, including the "Lucha Underground" promotion that is trying…
Have you listened to this interview? Because Punk talks a lot about their approach to concussions and their tests too.
People still don't understand what the Chris Gaines thing was. There was a movie that was in development about a fictional character who was a singer, it had a screenplay, was going to be made. Studio had the idea that they would promote the movie by pre-releasing music made by this character, sort of like the viral…
That's not true. I've followed Garth closely for 20 years. He got cheating and was open about admitting it, but there was never any violence accusations.
I wish they had this deal on the Kindle e-readers. I could use an upgrade on my quite old Kindle (I want a paperwhite), but we already own two tablets.
I wish they had this deal on the Kindle e-readers. I could use an upgrade on my quite old Kindle (I want a…
Yeah, was just going to mention that. When I signed up via my AMEX, I figured the catch would be that I would have to always use the card for every transaction, but that hasn't even been the case, at least not with the couple of Dominos deliveries I've done (used my Discover).
This has taught me how far I am culturally from the midwest. I looked this up and found this on Wikipedia. "It is a potluck and party staple in Iowa, where the "salad" is popular alongside glorified rice, Watergate salad, jello salad and hotdish." I don't know any of these dishes and looking them up, they all sound…
Pretty sure it's just a pudding with a lot of crumbled oreos in it (to look like/have the texture of dirt). The school I work at (Pittsburgh region), we have weekly raffles for the kids. A different teacher does the raffle each week. One week it was 'dirt dessert' or something like that, and it was just pudding with…
That comment from Wendy Williams doesn't make any sense. Few would have to see her as some forensic scientist, it's just a 'regular person's' job. She wouldn't be in the public spotlight. It's honestly amazing to see someone seek out a regular career rather than desperately trying to hold on to whatever fame they can…
Except that he didn't actually fear that. Bret was under contract for nearly a full month after Survivor Series, and they had agreed upon plans for Bret to drop the belt. Bret taking it to WCW was never an actual possibility, Vince never actually thought it was a possibility in real life, that's just an excuse for WWE…
100% incorrect, absolutely wrong. Hart's contract was NOT up that night. His contract with WWE continued until December 4th, nearly a full damn month after Survivor Series.
This is Vince's excuse, but it has no basis in reality because Vince knew and still knows that Bret was under contract with WWE for several weeks AFTER Survivor Series and him leaving for WCW with the belt was not a possibility. They had discussed several possibilities for Bret losing the belt after Survivor Series…