
Well, I'm pretty sure the depositions weren't sealed, so anyone who wanted to look into it and pay for the court records could get them. Meltzer would be revealed as a fraud if anyone wanted to look into it. Plus Martha Hart hated and hates wrestling, so she wouldn't have had that stuff be a part of her lawsuit if it

Bret could have hypothetically gained from the notoriety of being "screwed" by Vince McMahon, it became a huge story in Canada and in the wrestling world. But of course, WCW fucked that up, and WWE wouldn't have benefited from setting Bret up to be a bigger star than he was.

Actually, WWE wasn't really blameless. Yes, the rigging company shares a large part of the blame, but WWE intentionally didn't use the experienced company they had previously used for things like Shawn Michaels' descent into the ring, etc. When they provided their ideas for Owen's stunt, they were told that it was too

This was also the Shawn Michaels that had recently refused to lose to Davey Boy Smith in England, while Davey Boy's sister was dying of cancer and had dedicated the match to her. Michaels had the finish changed the day of, since Smith was obviously previously supposed to win. All over a shitty, meaningless belt that

In the 90s? You don't think wrestlers ever refused to do jobs or do specific scenarios going back many decades? The stories are legendary.

Bret was under contract with WWE for multiple weeks after Survivor Series. That's why he didn't show up on Nitro the next day, or the next week after that, or the next week after that. They had agreed upon plans to drop the belt in a four way match, and there were a multitude of other scenarios that all involved him

Many longer, more detailed, first hand accounts were written back in 1997 and 1998 by Dave Meltzer, with Hart being his primary source on everything. Really nothing new.

Nope. It came up in depositions during the lawsuit over Owen Hart's deaths, depositions under oath. Not a work. Source: Dave Meltzer.

"Didn't know." Yeah, the only person who could legitimately claim that would be admitting to being severely developmentally disabled. You can be unethical all you want, but at least have the balls to be honest about it.

Because Gen Y and Millenial are names for the exact same generation, the common name for it just changed. They're synonyms.

It is right. They used to call this generation "Generation Y." 1983 here. That's what they were calling us already when I was in elementary and middle school. Generation Y and Millenials are the same generation, according to the sociologists who come up with this stuff.

#3 is perfectly valid, depending on what constituted being "rude." I've had people come over and pull a pet off the couch to sit where the pet was sitting when there were other places to sit, for example, and that's just a hell no. It's their house, not yours. Pets are a priority over some new person one is dating.

Yeah, but the point was (likely) that someone that rich, successful and on top of the world at the moment probably doesn't give a fuck, not that Diplo is a poor. But then again, Taylor Swift seems like someone who gets a chip on her shoulder about everything, so she very well might.

Pretty sure she's referring to Taylor Swift not caring about what "Diplo" has to say, not Lorde. I highly doubt King Douche is worth more than Taylor Swift.

This kind of thing genuinely works? I have PCOS and some annoying hair growth, but I never expected that something home-based would work. Does it work on thicker dark hairs or only thinner, fine hairs?

There are tons of restaurants in Canada, both general restaurants and poutine-focused restaurants, that have diverse variations on poutine. This isn't a new concept.

Not that way up here, sadly. Well, it is, in terms of workload being high for full-time teachers, but there are about 100 available teachers for every available position (western Pennsylvania). Not many are giving up their positions, and wages are lower than average for most everything else.

Yeah, I spend all day Sunday thinking about how Monday is the next day and that I have to start getting ready for bed (taking the dogs out for their last trip etc) at 7 frigging PM so I can possibly get a full sleep before getting up long before the Sun. School day starts way too early.

As an immigrant to the United States, I'm not sure if this has always been this way or if it's the result of the media or what... but people seem to have a really, really overinflated sense of how important the President is. Which is pretty fucking weird to me, since little has been done in several years now

I hear the "holiday" idea a lot, but can someone adequately explain to me why this would help? Would this law literally require everything to shut down on this day? Because as we've seen, every other holiday (except Christmas, to some limited extent, movie theatre employees and some limited retail and restaurant