
I didn't say you gave an 'attaboy reply. Learn to read.

Sure it was a legitimate question. That's why this was your main takeaway from the article, rather than criticizing the hundred 'attaboy replies in this comment thread.

Uh, no, stop believing everything r/mensrights or whatever equivalent tells you.

That's some Dominik Hasek style shit there.

My husband tried to get one of the cab companies to take him to the Pittsburgh airport from one of the eastern neighbourhoods. Called well in advance, said they were showing up... never did, they hung up on him when he called back to ask WTF? Then it was a mad rush for him to drive to the airport instead and use their

No way to prove it, but if the guy's name was John, I would have placed money on her not ending her rant like that.


Hershey just sucks all around. It's not like Special Dark tastes like premium dark chocolate.

No, Canada just has different and superior bars. Like motherfucking Coffee Crisp, Aero, Crispy Crunch, Crunchie, etc. And other brands that are found there are superior in their Canadian version, like KitKat. Canadian KitKats, made by Nestle instead of Hershey, are way fucking better.

Yeah, he's in a terrible show with Kelsey Grammar.

Steak n Shake has a 7x7 burger,

The owner of the Suns signs the cheques of the coach of the Spurs? That's some weird shit.

Probably helps that you're likely 14, and you got your daddy to take care of you.

Louis CK is also much more famous than Margaret Atwood, and I say this as a Canadian woman who very much grew up with her books. This very specific instance has nothing to do with man vs. woman but has to do with fame. It could also have been Amy Schumer saying something similar, and people would attribute it to

Crows are more intelligent than Wendy Williams, so none should die to feed her.

Not in Canada.

The person you're replying to is Canadian, judging by their post history. First Nations folk in Canada generally hate the term Indian much more than American Indians do. It's been, generally, an unacceptable term in Canada for a long time now. They're just assuming it's the same on the other side of the border.

That looks pretty fucking good by fast food presentation standards, above par if anything.

Forget Ohio, I've seen some vicious fights start over whether or not Pittsburgh is a midwestern or northeastern city (with the result being that some here really, really, really don't want to be called midwestern). So if there can even be a debate over that, Ohio is safely midwestern.

That was a pretty weak year, though I think The Wrestler and Doubt were both better movies than Benjamin Button (but that BB was better than Slumdog Millionaire), of those that were nominated for a lot of Oscars. I think The Dark Knight was better than Slumdog Millionaire.