
Jorni was the asshole who started the yelling.

The black man had only been slandered by right-wing politicians for a year or so at that point. She’d faced twenty years of their poison.

No. Two thousand.

Derp: “that’s what you took from this story.” No, my comment dug at this website, Garbage, Morrissey and the entire story. The dig at Garbage is what you chose to take from my comment. Don’t get all pissy at me because reading is hard.

Of course there’s nuance. The nuance is that Franken doesn’t deserve prison. Is that not subtle enough nuance for you?

Well, you were wrong there, because it didn’t have anything to do with Trump. And by the way, if comments that you disagree with are ‘virtue-signaling’, what is your comment, one which I disagree with, signaling? Or are all right-wing comments heartfelt and left-wing ones performative in your worldview?

virtue signal

Sucks that you don’t have freedom of speech where you live, but that doesn’t mean the rest of the world should lose it too.

Won’t matter. Look at his comment history. He has no shame.

Go fuck yourself. For this comment, the Tig Notaro one and the ‘trannies’ one too.

Tell us of this magical, nuanced site with commenters who don’t vilify others with opposing views.

Sensible conversation like this?

Are you that catfishing woman blogger from earlier today? Cos you’re trying too hard.

I mean, where’s Mike Huckabee’s comment? You can generally rely on him to defend and befriend vermin.


She’s a female woman. (It’s not difficult.)

I’m British, so what would I know? But I thought the narrative of this week’s elections was that Democratic successes were down to ditching the Clintonish prevarication, triangulation and worrying about what conservatives might think and at last being unashamed about being progressive. In that respect, isn’t allowing

Everywhere in the world has violent video games. Why are massacres murder sprees not more common everywhere else?

As a Giants fan, nothing else did this year.

Bumgarner’s numbers are really good. It’s just a shame that we won’t see him in the postseason for years now.