
No. When people say stupid anti-science shit, Gizmodo writes about it.

Gary Johnson said he’d give me a piggyback ride if I published this

Conservative memes aren’t so much attempts at jokes as they are really short pamphlets trying to fully explain everything they believe in regarding a certain subject.

Doesn’t this entrepreneur have a self-sustaining business to run?

Curt is off whatever is off the deep end. He’s next level crazy.

Getting a baseline score for concussion screening with him has to be a fucking nightmare.

It is in a different league than B vs S, really. Taste in movies is subjective, but I’m truly confused by anyone who thinks B vs S was better.

I feel sorry for you. May god have mercy on your soul.

I thought it sucked because Batman was a homicidal super villain until he finds out that Superman’s mom has the same name as his mom.

Joke’s on NBC; I’m still not watching.

(Gen-X scoff) (synth riff starts playing) It’s the Safety Dunce

I will hang on a tree for nine days if that's what it takes for this show to be good. American Gods is one of my favourite novels ever written.

I got a pass for the signing and I freaked the fuck out. Nerded out so hard on Bryan Fuller and Ian McShane. I was literally shaking. Fuller is absolutely the only one I could imagine bringing one of my favorite books to the screen. Neil Gaiman is the best. I am just dead.

Neil Gaiman deserves happiness.

American Gods is probably the biggest winner to me.

Starting it off early this year.

It’s not like he was treated badly by the kidnappers, though. They let him grab his house keys and use the restroom before they made him get the cash.

IOC decides against dying of polonium 210 poisoning.

Now, THIS is a type of message you save the comic sans font for!

This is most assuredly not a boneheaded decision.