
“Homeschooling doesn’t *make* one socially awkward. You either are or you’re not”

This is not even close to accurate. There isn’t an innate unchangable level of social awkwardness. Kids end up socially awkward because they don’t get the experience necessary to learn how to navigate social interactions with peers. For

Because YOU not using physics or biology is a pretty poor predictor of whether your kids are going to need to, or more importantly want to have the option of, using physics or biology. If you want to make sure your kid is a potter, then all you need to teach him is pottery. But that’s pretty selfish, because neither

I’m not going to shit on your opinion, but it’s important to expose every kid to those concepts (just like musical arts/literature/history etc.) regardless of perceived use.

I could never homeschool because my kids aren’t named Rain and Skye, I prefer to vaccinate them, they have had haircuts before the age of 5, none of them have a strange food allergy and, quite frankly, both of us parents have to work.


This. Now THIS is some intelligent, high-level trolling.

I don’t think his image can be captured using convention(al) cameras.

You just presented, in three sentences, a more nuanced and thoughtful take than the article.

On one hand, warrants from the UK should not work in the US, and visa versa.

Said every Miller drinker, ever.

Baylor’s athletes may have raped some women, but the important thing is they did it honorably, as unpaid amateurs.

That’s a hefty contract. I guess there was no way the Bronco’s were gonna get Miller lite.
I guess now that he’s getting all the money he’ll be living the Miller High Life.
I guess this was a real Miller Genuine Draft 64 Lemonade???

Maybe I shouldn’t have tried for a third one.

I heard the findings were to grizzly to be put on paper. So they take the polar opposite approach, which leaves a black mark on the university. Ursinae.

Worst Bears of 2016; Baylor.

Imagine if Penn State simply hadn’t commissioned the Freeh Report.

Not that difficult really. Especially if you’re at the beach. Happens by accident most of the time and its a real pain in the ass. You check under the blanket, towels and sand toys until you finally see the Nike symbol barely peaking out from the hole you self-dug with your feet while sitting in your beach chair the

If we look weird it’s because it was 5,000 degrees in that damn venue


Well, Samwise I mean. I can never keep them strait.

I liked him as Harry Potter, but he was OK as a Frodo as well.