
Tomsula, because he’ll actually display the award in his man cave between his NFL Coaches Alumni Bowling League trophy and his “I put the ART in FART” novelty mug.

Tomsula isn’t just the sports person of the year, but janitor, tanner, aspestos remover, daycare driver, lawn maintenence, fireplace sweeper, AND scrap recycler of the year. The choice is obvious people.

...but the vast majority of negativity surrounding the movie has nothing to do with them being women.

I am a big fan of Patton and I generally like his taste in films but between the trailers and the leak I’m still super skeptical. He could just be being supportive here. Still, I hope he is right and my abject cynicism towards this movie has been completely misplaced.

That’s probably because it’s terrible.

The reason why I say “unlikely,” as opposed to below commenters, is because players choose to run the unknown script. Their accounts aren’t hacked. But this is just my hunch.

The email is cringeworthy youthspeak, but no worse than what Gawker writers routinely use.

Stagnate pond, northern Kentucky.... This will be wonderful for all of those unvaccinated, home-schooled kids will go there for field trips.

Yeah? Then why am I masturbating and trying to get the layering right in photoshop, smartass?

Definitely Rio. Qatar is a human rights disaster and an affront to world soccer, but authoritarian hellholes become authoritarian hellholes because the guys in charge know how to impose order. That’s all these big international competitions need.

So was she.

“I’ll bet you 10 large that guy is not the real Jordan.”

Unless he’s wearing a cup I think I could out run most people after a nut kick

The most American thing someone can do is to leave a baseball game early.

He saw what we did to Harambe. This bald eagle is no fool.

This is easily the most coherent thing you’ve ever written on purpose.

I especially like playing as Bastion!

So you’re saying that cruise control didn’t have any fatalities when it first came out?

Better remove cruise control then as well.