The core gameplay isn’t fun enough to keep playing it. That is the biggest problem and because it’s a realistic setting there is nothing they can do about it.
The core gameplay isn’t fun enough to keep playing it. That is the biggest problem and because it’s a realistic setting there is nothing they can do about it.
It’s like a playground for burners.
It’s a chicken and egg thing. You say weird people with dumb ideas tend to gravitate towards UFC, I say that if someone gets punched in the head for a living they will eventually become libertarians.
“Should I study and get smarter, or should I go hit people in the face?”
England sees your slow clap and raises you slow, ponderous attack devoid of ideas.
Did they shut the entire country down so everyone could go to these games? There’s, like, a fifth of the country in the stands.
They do it every ten minutes or so during the game, too. It’s terrifying, and absolutely fantastic.
I’m glad this site compiles good bears for me. I found out the hard way that’s a phrase you should not Google with SafeSearch off.
How is this surprising? She has a British identical twin!!!
Perhaps the only thing less interesting and less original than a trope-filled screed about the costly uselessness of the royal family is your sex life. This literally has been done much better thousands of times over many centuries. Can't wait for Albert's next HOT take on why colonialism is bad.
Bangers and mash = good as hell
I agree with you 100%. Just compare the Williams Sonoma takedown to this. Drew hints at the colossal emptiness that's at the heart of trying to have the perfect home in addition to ladling on some wacky humor and also, yes, a little outrage. In this piece all Burneko does is call Prince William names and make fun of…
Difference being Drew effectively uses this "anger" as lighthearted humor while Albert comes off as mean and trying too hard.
OK. If Drew is truly doing the same thing as Albert, why do you think the reaction to these two is different?
Drew is better at it.
In America, we pick our families to worship a better way: the sizes of their asses and whether of not we watched the sex tape of the hottest family member
Wow. So edgy.