
I would also like to have the kind of monthly allowance that allows me to have frivolous shit like a $400 glass purse.

The implication that the threat of HPV is what was deterring these would-be sluts is weird to me.

I have honestly always thought she didn’t give a shit about his infidelity. She knows what her marriage is and what it isn’t and she’s fine with it.

The fact that active shooter drills are even a thing is a whole different source of rage for me.

...teachers in one Stafford County Public School directed children to bathrooms or locker rooms closest to them, but couldn’t decide where to send the girl, who is trans...

I’ve always felt like the more persistent rumors have a grain of truth to them. There were whispers about Kevin Spacey for years, same with Harvey Weinstein, Morgan Freeman, etc. and there are still far more many men who haven’t had shit come out about them. Men more rich and famous than those assholes, if you’re an

I’ll add “The Kavanaugh investigation was a sham meant to shut us up and cover their asses” to the list of things I hoped I was wrong about.

My MIL is a social worker and I remember her telling me that a lot of former addicts get really into fitness because it gives them something to focus their energy on, essentially.

If only there were a word for that...

Mark Judge (I know, I keep thinking it’s Mike Judge too) has resurfaced and lawyered up, so he seems to think they’ll be talking to him.

Working out, playing Destiny with my husband, snuggling my dog.

Admittedly, I did not listen to Dr Ford’s part of the hearing, I was at work and I knew it would just upset me. I did listen to part of Kavanaugh’s because I was curious about how he would defend himself against her detailed (and entirely believable) accusations. I expected a professional to come out and sit down and

“This is the most unethical sham since I’ve been in politics

Yes, I have that peeler and it’s nice.

I’ve always thought of it as one of those funny movie things that people don’t do in real life. As an actor in a movie, rubbing on your giant, fake belly is an easy way of telegraphing “I didn’t just eat lunch, there’s an actual baby in here” to the audience.

I haven’t found one either but I also haven’t been able to play enough to get any of my 3 up to 500. My husband reached 500 yesterday on one of his and got 2 so I think you need to hit the soft cap first.

You can choose to have a small percentage of your paycheck deposited into an investment account that purchases stock in the company at a discounted price.

Also, I worked at Starbucks for 5 years and for what it is, it’s not a bad job. The pay is comparable to other jobs like that but you get benefits, tips, stock options (which helped me put away enough money to put a down payment on a car and furnish my apartment), and they promote from within a lot so if you end up

The same experts that were hamming it up for the cameras doing seaside interviews, to the point that they could barely stand up while those around them did easily?

The landfall location refers to where the eye makes landfall, which is much smaller.