Fuck this guy.
Fuck this guy.
I feel like they’d rather not portray Rob in an unflattering way, which leads to a weird tap dance where someone has a problem, but it’s not a big deal, but it’s still there and needs to be dealt with, but it’s also fine.
I’m 30 and I don’t plan on having a kid for a few years and every time someone tells me that I shouldn’t wait because of the physical toll of having a child that “late” in life, I remind them that I was god damn mess during my prime baby making years and would have been the worst parent.
I fucking love elderflower and grapefruit, how did I never think of this?
I’m glad I’m not the only one who feels this way.
I did, but the thing I’m currently working on at work is super boring.
We should pay them more if the reason they aren’t able to effectively do their job is that they’re underfunded.
Omg are you me? Same problems, tall, boobs, too big for straight sizes, too small for plus sizes. I’ve figured out some brands with sizing I like so that’s what I usually stick to, also most companies will also ship you a return label with your stuff so it’s free to return anything you don’t end up keeping. I’ve…
As a web developer who is working on a project that was originally outsourced to India, I second this.
I would vote for Terry Crews, Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho, Dwayne Johnson, The Rock, a rock, my dog, the shit I took this morning, over Trump.
I don’t remember exactly where I read, but I did some Googling and apparently if you cross legally, you’ll get turned away, but if you cross illegally you can apply for refugee status: http://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/canada-us-border-illegal-border-crossings-1.3995768
Fun fact! If you cross the Canadian border illegally, you’re a “refugee” and they treat you as such and don’t just kick your ass back.
Same, if you don’t like it, don’t read it, and definitely don’t give them clicks or comments. Considering how little we’re taught about vaginas and the mysterious things they do, I’m really appreciative of content like this.
I live in South Florida where it’s 150 degrees and 297% humidity all the time, and I use that Summer’s Eve feminine wash for sensitive skin and have had zero issues. I’ve been using it for many years now and have had many gyno exams in that time and my junk’s fine. I actually used to get yeast infections all the time…
“It’s their culture”
Well, that black person probably committed a crime or did something unsavory at some point in their life, so they deserve literally everything that happens to them.
I told my boyfriend about this last night, he was legitimately sad about it.
Ok, couple things about that:
Serious question: Does this bill have any purpose other than making room for massive tax cuts?