
I actually found this enlightening. I don’t agree with her about ANYTHING, obviously, but she seems to be a smart person. This might be the only time I’ve ever heard someone express the (misguided) viewpoints she holds in a way where their logic (though crucially flawed) is understandable. I mean that in the sense

I think you don’t quite understand what homeopathy is. You dilute a virtually undetectable amount of an “active” ingredient in water. If a topical cream actually contains arnica, I also agree it helps with bruising, but “homeopathic” arnica doesn’t do anything.

I’m having too hard a time getting over the absurd amount of money she’s being paid to see this as overly altruistic.

I’m guessing liability fears? Which I find pretty ironic.

Yeah, he’s just saying that. He wants to continue stalking their life.

This may sound unbearably hipster, but I have a pet theory about what is going to happen when the L shuts down that I’m kinda excited about. I bet a lot of those kids aren’t going to want to leave their hip neighborhood and will bike to work instead. And the city may be forced to put some stuff in place to encourage

I don’t really want to defend him. But he does start off by talking about the Patriot Act (which was solidly post 9/11) and I think he’s pretty clearly talking about the 8 years after that was passed.

Ding ding ding.

“SCOTUS rule was something really important for women’s autonomy and health, and in the Twitt those same women stopped being subjects of the ruling and became passive objects to be used by the assumed readers (women still watch TDS!). It also supported the false idea that women have abortions for fun just because they