omg yes she was one of my favourites! I can't believe there is a place in the world where everybody talks like that! :)
omg yes she was one of my favourites! I can't believe there is a place in the world where everybody talks like that! :)
I was hating on Larry even before he started fucking Polly. that was a really really dick move on both their parts.
I sniggered when I saw it :)
same here. I would HIT. THAT. HARD. :) :)
ugh we had a house across the road from a fairly high-end (I guess you would call it Elementary School? ages 5-11) school and every frikkin morning all the mommies with their huge SUVs parked in/across our driveway and the got out and walked special snowflake/s into their classrooms (carrying their bags for them of…
I have. twice. once was when I was a teenager and couldn't touch my eye to put in contact lenses. one session of hypnotherapy and BAM - I was wearing those little mofos within an hour.
only if she's got real whale-bones in there like a corset. or a fuck load of duct tape..
haha you mean her mom is holding them up? :)
I'll be in my bunk..
that is pretty nasty
plus who wants to have a massive boner in front of their nearest and dearest on their wedding day during this first kiss?!
oh the peeing dream! I did that once when I was 18. staying over at my boyfriends. on the mattress we were both sleeping on.
Thank You! xx
that sounds just truly awful! 0.o
HAHA true story - the fire alarm just went off in our house when I read your comment!!
that poor cow is so skinny it looks like it needs all the calories it can get :/
Lemonade?? jesus that video is weird as hell!
brilliant! :)
that IS rather a long time. my mum breastfed my brother and I until 18 months but my youngest sister to age 5 (only evening feeds in the latter years). it stopped because my sister was going to school. she is a totally self involved borderline narcissist but I don't know if that is caused by breastfeeding late. she is…