
‘Blue Ticks' are just as shitty people.

The man who denigrates the memories of those who died in 9/11.... disgusting.

His monstrous passage about 9/11 in his 2015 book is a good summation of where he’s coming from. He writes of the police and firefighters who died running into the burning buildings in a forlorn effort to save all the people whose bodies were about to be obliterated into dust, “They were not human to me. Black, white,

Another nail in the coffin....

It's soooooo EMO!

Worst ratings ever for a ‘festive’ special.... lol. Guessing DWino will be going a long sabbatical once Jodie goes... which looks like at the end of this truncated season.


Batman and Robin gets better with the passage of time..... The Last Jedi gets worse.... go figure!

Star Wars told by people that actually care about Star Wars..... Fuck the Disney Sequels.

I hope i09 will call out Letitia Wright’s horrendous transphobic and anti-vaccination comments! Recast Shuri now!

Declining ratings.... The terrible ‘Timeless Children’ had some of the worst ratings of a season finale ever. And this special is up against Corrie and Emmerdale, lol. It's doomed.

The Expanse ends but shite like STD continues.... no justice in the world.

This goes for J K Rowling too. Outside of i09 and Twitter, which is a tiny insignificant proportion of people, the general population don't know or care about her views.

I hate to break it to you, but outside of the echo chamber of i09 and the swamp that is twitter, the general public don’t care and will happily continue to enjoy Harry Potter for years to come. The vast majority probably agree with Rowling anyway.

Looking forward to it's cancellation once that Netflix money runs out.

There is no such thing as 'Toxic Masculinity'.... there is masculinity... and femininity..... and just Toxic people, who can be male or female in equal measure.

Batwoman..... the greatest comedy on TV at the moment!

Your next article should be about all the SJWs slinging racist slurs at Zoe Saldana for defending Chris Pratt.

All Lower Drecks does is make fun of the concepts of Trek and supply constant references. Like all modern Trek it lacks wit and intelligence. Modern Trek is for morons.

Let me guess..... the Nemesis this time will be a corrupted AI version of Halliday, hidden in the OASIS.