
They killed off Hugh for..... this????

At least it will be a good source of emergency toilet paper!

If anything the novelisation can fill the shortage of toilet paper!

That’s the SJW, left-wing media for you... all supportive of a female-centric movie but quietly forgetting the plight of the Hong Kong demonstrators and Chinese political prisoners.



Absolutely disgraceful! Completely disrespectful to William Hartnell... he will always be the 1st Doctor. RIP Doctor Who 1963 - 2017.... the 12th Doctor never regenerated.

Now playing

This video explains all you need to know about this collection....

They will probably make Willow into a failure... maybe he nearly killed Elora Danan.... he’s a drunk... a shadow of his former self.... ‘Jake’ Willow.

Can’t wait for the last minute edit when they replace Matt Smith with Ian McDiarmid....

This should have been Star Wars’Endgame”.... the ending of a story, a saga 42 years in the making... Instead we got a whole heap of shite :(

This is the Bond you are looking for...

It’s basically the ‘Alias’ model.... Search for Maguffin A.... then need Maguffin B to understand A.... Last minute reveals... Just terrible.

It’s a review...

Resistance .... I think you meant Rebellion, the Rebel Alliance.... not the pathetic imitation.

It’s a review....

JJ is everything that is wrong with modern mainstream cinema. JJ and his cronies from Bad Reboot’s are a plague on modern cinema and TV.

There is a chance... a small chance, it won’t break $1 Billion. It certainly will not play well in China. I assume Disney will cut the lesbian kiss for the Chinese too... because they are damn hypocrites.

Closer to AOTC...

Thanks for sharing!