
How does Evil John Connor even exist if Sarah and Kyle have never even had sex? And who sends a Terminator to kill Sarah when she is a little girl? If it was Skynet then why send the T-800 to 1984 as well? And where does the T-1000 come from? Who sends the T-1000 back in time?

Please be good.... please be good.... please be good!!! Great cast, hopefully this will do the comic justice.

Don't give Hollywood ideas!!! We thankfully missed the bullet on a horribly whitewashed Akira.

So at what point in this insanity do Sarah and Kyle actually have the time to make John Connor? I hope that Evil-Cyborg-Connor is chasing Kyle and Sarah to force them to procreate and therefore create him! Surely if Sarah dies or is sterilised then Evil-Cyborg-Connor ceases to be! I think the word 'schlock' was

Is Neil Blomkamp reading this? I bet he's taking notes for 'Aliens 5'.

Abandon ship!!!!!

Hal Jordan would rather hang out with the nu-Trek crew - so he can look cooler next to those lame, third-rate cosplayers.

The rumour came out in a plot synopsis last year and was reconfirmed recently. So yeah... pretty horrible. The twist is John Connor is the bad guy! How clever....

Some spoiler photos during filming showed Jason Clarke in a nice blue suit and tie facing off, ranting and raving against Sarah and Kyle in 2017. The trailer shot where Arnie throws himself and someone in a suit through an office wall is Arnie and John Connor (Jason Clarke).


Channelling a Michael Rosenbaum 'Smallville' Lex me'thinks.

Love that GIF! Is it too much to ask we get that scene in the 'Infinity War' films. Also did Wasp fly into Hawkeye's mouth?

Is Coulson in this?

I have a theory that Hawkeye is immune to Scarlet Witch's hex powers. A lot of chat has specifically mentioned that Hawkeye has a key role in the sequel, particularly in relation to the twins. I suspect he is the one to persuade them to come over to the good guys side - hence that line 'if you step out that door,

Please, please, please add many B-Wings and A-Wings!

Of course, Hollywood is a business and profit is king. I am not dismissing the 'Ghostbusters' reboot because it is meant for profit. The whole female-led vs male-led argument is just nuts and I suspect is intentional to create publicity. The sex/race/age of the cast should not be an issue - the quality of the script

I must admit, despite being a huge 'Ghostbusters' fan, I have zero interest in either of the new movies. The fact that the plot sounds more like a MiB/Hellboy knock-off than a 'Ghostbusters' film just makes me cringe. Why even bother? Oh I know.... money! In the end the only thing driving either film is a desire to

Maybe it's actually going to be a live-action version of 'Defenders of the Earth'

Cinderella 2: Red Wedding.....