
She’s definitely had lip injections and wears more makeup, but I think she’s also just matured since then too. I mean, pictures of me look pretty different between ages 14 and 18 too, and I didn’t even wear makeup when I was 18.

“of course [she uses the ladies room], she’s wearing a Tom Ford dress!”

She complains to her older sister that... I text her “when she’s in class”

Unfortunately, that assertion is not backed by anything in the letter.

Tracy, what is going on here? Slow day at the news generator machine? This is what we have to listen to?

Sure, adult children should not be required to talk to their parents at all. they have the right not to. Parents also have every right to cut off the selfish dependent brat. They have a mutual agreement on expectations from each other, and they should just clarify what the expectations are and if either party does not

paying for college doesn’t mean your kid has to talk to you in a meaningful way

MOM! You’re interfering with her sexcapading! She’ll talk to you when she flunks out!

“breaking away and establishing autonomy”

You don’t have any autonomy when someone else is paying your bills.

Wow. What a snarky, excessive, over-the-top rant from somebody who seems to resent her parents. While there’s some to agree with here, the idea that a parent who’s paying for an Ivy League education can’t even expect to speak to their child once a week is ungracious and insane.

What a load of bollocks your entire reply is.

Breaking away and establishing autonomy... completely funded by someone else.

Too good to call home once a week?

Sorry, I absolutely think you owe your parents polite, minimal communication when they’re PUTTING YOU THROUGH COLLEGE. If you don’t want a relationship with your family and there’s bad blood I can understand - but if the ties are still there and you just left the house and they’re supporting you, why the fuck would

outside of the other people here calling you out for being the complete idiot that you are...

If this ‘child’ (an adult by every sane measure) wanted true autonomy, she should have enrolled in a state school and have taken out loans. To accept the support of her parents so that she can go to an Ivy is to enter a contract. As an adult, she should know that investors need updates on their investments. To provide

You kinda sound like a jerk. Barring your parents being mean (and more than the “you need to lose weight), homophobic, racist to your significant other or hateful to your kids you owe your parents. My mom supported me my whole life and paid for me to the live out my dreams in NYC for a year. You can’t have it both

I disagree. My parents and grandparents paid for my school, and I managed to call them once a week for ten minutes, well before cell phones and emails were a thing. It was the least I could do considering what they were paying. My cousin even wrote a letter to my great-aunt once a month, in addition to calls. They

I get that the mum is being pushy here, but I still find the situation weird. When I moved out to go to school, I suddenly appreciated my parents WAY more. They did my laundry! They cooked things! They drove me places! Suddenly all the things they did for me were put into real perspective because that shit is hard.

Further selfishness from the selfie generation.