
she hasn’t actually made any threats to with hold anything from the daughter, the only thing she has said is that she doesn’t feel motivated to buy the daughter a Christmas present because she feels like her daughter takes her for granted and not feeling motivated to by Christmas presents for someone who takes you for

that lip color is my absolute favorite lip color

for all we know, the mother is not legally obligated to pay the daughter’s tuition, also you are assuming that when the mother agreed to pay for her tuition that the expectation that the daughter communicate with the mother was not an expectation the mother had—given that most parents who send there children off to

they refer to her as dad because in the About Bruce episode they talked about it and she told them they could call her that because she said she will always be there dad (or something like that)

she doesn’t have the jackson nose

you do realize that she might be trying to check in with her daughter often, not because she wants to be friends with her child, but because she wants to make sure her child is doing ok and it’s pretty hard to parent when you don’t know what’s going on with your kid? Also, I don’t see how this mother saying that she’s

thanks but it’s kind of hard not be greatful when you’re looking around and realizing that you were spared a hurtle that most other people aren’t

It’s hypocritical of you to feel like you are owed something that you can survive without from someone else but at the same time feel that that it is inappropriate for them to feel like you owe them anything, it is literally impossible to have an adult relationship with your parents, if your expectations are that

the mother doesn’t actually say that the daughter doesn’t say the daughter doesn’t call her, she says “she only calls when she needs something”, it’s hard to buy that your reading is credible when you are claiming she said something that she didn’t actually say and again, I know people like that exist, but there’s no

a lot of the assertions of the people claiming she’s abusive and a lot your assertations are either assumptions (assumptions that when she asks how she should parent this situation she is looking for ideas on how to punish her daughter, assumptions that she is not telling the truth about the amount of times she

the daughter has told the sister that the mom calls her when she’s in class, it does not say anywhere in the letter that the daughter has directly told the mother that she’s calling her while she’s in class or to stop calling her while she’s in class, that is a bold faced lie

every relationship COULD be abusive but I don’t think we should assume that a relationship is abusive if we don’t have any evidence that it is abusive (and we really don’t, the not feeling inclined to get the daughter a gift thing is only shocking if you’ve never worked with kids or are not a parent, dealing with kids

we don’t actually know if the daughter calls once a week, all we know is that the mother calls once a week (it’s unclear on whether the daughter picks up the phone) and that the daughter calls when she needs something (we don’t know how often that is)

you do know that college kids text in class ALL THE TIME so her accidentally (it seems) texting her daughter in class isn’t the end of the world, and it seems like the daughter is also being passive aggressive by not responding to her texts and complaining about it to her sister instead of telling her mom “hey I’m in

ghosting anyone is a dick move

If she wants to talk to me, why doesn’t she just call?

Thing is: what this mother doesn’t understand is, her daughter would call her if she’d stop making such a big deal out of it.

you’re comment came off as dismissive of her criticisms of that type of porn because given that this is a post about porn it makes sense to be criticizing porn and it really doesn’t make sense to be criticizing dating rituals because we aren’t talking about that

it’s likely that they copyrighted the phrase because in the US you can’t copy right the design of a piece of clothing, you can only copy right logos, the you can copy right a t-shirt but if you change it at all that isn’t covered by the copyright is how they do it in Europe

I think the isse is that Delevigne is violating there copyright which is bad but I also don’t really care