
To say nothing of how simply wanting more freedom apparently makes you treasonous. Then again, a not insignificant portion of our own population thinks it’s treason to support mandatory masks to save lives during a pandemic, so I guess humans suck in general. Just depends on what flavor of suck you personally tolerate

Same. I do recognize that most actual Chinese people don’t give a crap (at least those who don’t worship the government, anyway), but it’s like... you big thinkers in the government do realize that reacting like this actually makes you look dumb to the rest of the world, right?

who the dick wrote that line and thought “huh huh...I made a funny”?

Riiight but I didn’t say that. I said the playground rhyme was racist, but what was said in the video seems less racist and more idiotic unless you add some deep layers of context that I’m just not seeing here. There’s a racial component to the joke in the video, but it doesn’t appear to be malicious, just stupid.

The only thing required for a union to happen at this point is for the top guy to push for it. As stated in the article, Hogan was not that guy. Cena was clearly not that guy. Is Roman that guy? He took a bunch of time off for covid and everyone assumed he'd get a ton of shit for that, and yet upon his return he has

Pretty sure we asked to be treated this way. When people throw money at you for an entire console generation on mtx you keep giving the people what they want. Plus you know all the major players see the incredible success of Geshin Impact and have started blueprints on their own Gatcha train

Man, sometimes I forget just how long ago the 360 and PS3 came out. 2004/5, and they weren’t even super top of the line at the time of release. Developers really push console hardware to their limits, that’s for sure. 

I’m not as hyped or excited about this as the internet and I’m busy with other games, so I’m going to wait and get it on PS5 once the next gen patch/release drops next year. 

I remember how much was changed and added during TW3's lifespan. Entire gameplay systems were added after I had finished the game. The menus were completely redone.

Would you even want it this early? Is the day one patch live yet?  Because they delayed the release to work on the patch, correct?  

The Xbox One controller was pretty banging. I still have one even though I got rid of my XBOne a long time ago just to play platformers on my PC. The PS5 controller is going to quickly replace it however.

I think he probably meant performance-wise.

I would love if all of this happened and pence just refused to pardon.


CNN the talking head says I haven’t seen celebrations like this since Bin Laden was killed. 

Who knows? Maybe Mexico will build concentration camps along the border and put their children in cages.

Seeing as I got my series x today from Taco bell - I’m siding with Xbox for now lol

Just gunna remind people (and myself) that opinion articles don’t invalidate or attack your own opinion. Comment accordingly.

I loved the Spider-Man 2 and Spider-Man 3 games. Hell, I even loved Spider-Man: The Move: The Game. And I really like the comparison to the modern Batman games — I loved those, too! It still seems weird to me that a modern day superhero game is a console exclusive, but the game(s) certainly LOOK really polished. I

I don’t know when/if I’ll get an XBox this generation, but I’m most anticipating seeing what Microsoft does with all those big buys they’ve had over the past year or so.