
I really can’t stand her articles. I hardly ever come to io9 anymore, and she’s one of the main reasons.

Me too. I actually liked it more than Civil War. It is one of the few Marvel solo movie to have a great third act.

I’m pretty sure it isn’t widely considered forgettable. I think this just a case of another writer thinking reality is based around their opinion.

So they’re letting Barbara Gordon’s stalker be the new Oracle? This is gonna go reeeeaaal well...

They HAD tech backup

Well if him and singer are sharing brain farts this movie already tanked


What the hell, io9? I had avoided recent trailers and any recent stories about the film because I wanted to save some surprises. I saw an article title referencing a “classic Star Wars villain” who would appear in Rogue One, but I didn’t read it because I didn’t want to know who it was talking about.

Everyone, repeat after me: you can tell a story effectively while knowing how it ends. This is turning into such a huge pet peeve of mine.

It’s almost as bad as that time where a day after the most recent Game of Thrones finale, io9 posted an article titled, “Let’s discuss what happened this season on Game of Thrones!” And the header image was a picture of Cersei sitting on the Iron Throne with the crown on her head.

I’m not usually one to decry spoilers but I’ve deliberately avoided Rogue One trailers and news. OK, I wasn’t avoiding Vader but why would you put this in the subject line? Why not “Rogue One’s other villain is better than Vader” or something? I’m actually quite gutted I won’t get this reveal in the cinema now.

I purposely avoided the most recent tv spot as other sites said it hinted at another villain appearing and I thought it would be nice to discover this in the cinema.

Oh joy, spoilers in the headline again...

Sorry, but holy Jesus upside down on a cross, could you please change the title of your post from something not so spoilery? I have been avoiding anything from that movie for as long as possible, and sure enough, bam, here it is. It’s not enough that we have plot spoiling trailers, but now this?!?!?

I’m glad I didn’t bother clicking on the spoiler article. >_>

There was a similar article earlier about this that didn’t give away the spoilers in their title. I am highly annoyed and see it as very unprofessional to spoil such a big reveal in your click bait title. A lot of people (myself included) have been trying to go into this movie as blind as possible. Thank you for

I make sure not to click on trailer or other spoiler articles, and yet here’s a spoiler I can’t avoid simply when I visit this site. Come on guys.

*sees spoiler post with vague title in the morning, avoids to maintain surprise about other villain*

Having now seen this and reading that it was in the last trailer, I’m still thoroughly annoyed about this. You didn’t need to make the headline what it was, some people (ahem) aren’t watching the trailers anymore and are trying to just go into it. Even if you go “but you should have at least suspected”...yea, maybe,

I was born and bred in the Scottish Highlands.