
That’s for sure. But, considering she thought it would be a great idea to do a series of articles about getting drunk first thing in the morning and being obnoxious as hell at museums, I’m certainly not likely to ever take her opinions seriously though.

Creepy Barbara Gordon stalker becomes Oracle.

Sorry, I think you have to be annoyed by it. Things are no longer allowed just for the fun of it. It must enrage us. The secret police will be by your house momentarily.

Yeah! How dare they do something kind of neat for the holidays! We aren’t going to tolerate any of that nonsense around here. What a load of crap!

Never heard of it. X-Men: Days of Future Past on the other hand...

Oh no! If Reddit tears itself apart, where will you guys get most of your content from?

Didn’t care would be my guess. It seems to be more about the click$ these days than treating readers with respect.

Wow. What’s the point of spoiling something, no matter how potentially minor, for so many people? Somehow I’m not surprised, but this just seems like so much click-bait.

Watch a New Clip From Passengers and Wonder How Chris Pratt Could Possibly Survive

There’s certainly a whole lot of moving and shaking going on.

I don’t entirely agree. Was the exec an idiot? Sure. But I just don’t see the point of opening by telling someone to eat a bag of dicks. It’s really hard to take anyone seriously who drops that right out of the gate. Although, I imagine once she got out of the factory, Veruca Salt probably shouted at Wonka to eat a

CBS can eat a bag of dicks.

Agreed. Someone could easily say similar things about certain writers on the internet, eh?

But fan fiction is real! Dumblewald is the OTP! ZOMG!

Was Grindelwald gay? Maybe he was just some unenlightened straight guy, a product of his times, who freaked out when Dumbledore stuck a hand up his robes and took it out on the rest of Europe?

Wouldn’t that be on the showrunners and writers (and in some sense the actress who left) and not necessarily the network? It isn’t like they handed a mandate from on-high saying ‘kill the lesbians’ in 144 point font.

Well, since it doesn’t look like any of the actresses are leaving at the moment, I don’t suppose it will be an issue.

That’s not surprising. Unless it’s some modern social outrage (manufactured or otherwise), there is every indication of little empathy from some folks around here.

So it’s not creepy?

True, but he was also a producer and I don’t believe any of the standard Marvel deals apply to the X-films. But even beyond all of that, considering what a big fan of the character he is, I’ve no doubt he probably funded his own gear and had no need to liberate a lot from the production.