
Anyone who thinks Ryan Reynolds only has one of those things, I’ve got a heck of a bridge to sell you.

The number of episodes has been out in the wild since, at least, April of this year.

I understand very much that people want to see themselves represented in the media they consume, but I can’t really get behind fans dictating to creators how to shape their output.

So is Netflix the new Reddit around here when it comes to hit pieces?

No offense intended, but I hope videos aren’t the new format for articles. It seems like everybody and their brother has a video channel these days and actual written articles are going by the wayside. It’s nice to be able to read things and, usually, people tend to stick to the point in written work as opposed to

So every Ghostbusters-related article in the future will now contain a shoehorned reference to the remake drama? Gotcha.

Wasn’t this done over at Gawker already? Is repeating old Gawker content really the best road to be starting down?

This reads like one of those situations where people do something stupid and out of embarrassment try to shift the blame to another party.

Don’t worry. I’m sure there will be an article any time now to direct readers’ outrage for the day.

So, can people finally admit the ridiculous Chicken Little moments of freaking out over the arrival of Superman (and the advertising featuring him) was nothing but tilting at windmills for the clicks?

It’s purely wishful thinking on the part of the article writer. There is nothing at the moment to indicate anything of the sort. Kara saved plenty of people last season without ending up in relationships with them.

Superman is one of the two most prominent characters in DC’s stable and one that was forbidden to the TV side of things until now. (I still think he’s only in it for a few episodes and will then be gone.) It makes perfect sense for them to focus the advertising on a character with that kind of public recognition.

Exactly. They’re acting like they’re equal partners with Univision or something. The “Editorial Union” is nothing a bunch of whiners with delusions of grandeur.

...and veered the relationship into familial territory instead.

I think it holds up a bit better for me than it did for you. The film is very much a product of its time, however, and that isn’t necessarily for everyone. Especially, I’d say, in the apparently ultra-sensitive world of today. For a lot of kids, though, childhood is trauma. Granted, it’s generally not as extreme as

If you’re still not watching The Walking Dead, we don’t know what we can say to convince you.

Did they actually use Japan’s Olympic athletes in that video? Anyone know?

Absolutely. Things went downhill fast after the merger. I also miss the days when there weren’t articles popping up almost every day with someone being mortally offended about something. Some of that content is absolutely ridiculous.

So which one are you calling the supervillain? Denton or Daulerio?