Mr. Jackpots

The Alt-Right is an adapation of an argument that South Park (and many comedians and artists) has made for years - that aggressive political correctness is bad for freedom of expression and in particular creation of art.

When Dale replaces Dougie, I believe that house is also on (or near) Sycamore Lane, because they purposely show the street sign.

I think it was like eight episodes ago, but Jade finds the Great Northern key in her car and mails it back. Has anything come of that yet? I don't remember.

Tentatively yes although it's conceivable the first eight episodes are retroactively ruined by stuff in future episodes.

Although I will say when Abe Lincoln shows up to start crushing skulls then it gets much better.

It was meh. It's visually stunning and disorienting, and I think I get what the point was, but also I was pretty frequently just looking at my laptop waiting for the next sequence in the scene.

I vaguely remember Leland talking about summering and that's where he met BOB. I don't think they ever told us where he came from, though. It's the right age range, and frog bug would explain Sarah's ESP type moments, like the horse symbolizing the window to danger (which the old timey guy mentions in his slam poetry).

(Two Weeks From Now)

The more I thought about it, the more it seemed fairly straightforward. It's basically a Pandora's Box story. The nuclear bomb is one of the most hateful evil things ever created. Detonating it opened a wormhole for all the evil spirits of the Black Lodge, previously sealed away, to flood into the world. The Giant &

The Diane one is implied heavily. I didn't take that from the Audrey mention. I thought Doc Hayward was saying he assumed Coop was going to check on Audrey but he just left instead and was never seen again.

It is a little strange that when Hawk and Truman read Laura's missing diary pages and it mentions Annie Blackburn (someone she would have never met), they don't immediately find Annie Blackburn but instead go right for Doc Hayward and Harry

Twin Peaks is making a great case for why Chuck McGill's anti-electricity lifestyle is actually preferable

Three scenes that seem to be completely untethered to anything at this point:

I wonder how much opinions are informed by how recently you watched the original and FWWM.


1) It was shocking, but wasn't done for shock. There's a lot going on there, but it's rough.
2) It was way over the top to the point of being funny, which I'm sure was the point to begin with.
3) In all honesty, with the exception of Cooper/Truman/Laura Palmer, none of the Twin Peaks characters past or present have

It's not so much I'm fed up with Dougie, it's that I want to see Cooper do Cooper stuff at some point, and I mean — I wouldn't put it past Lynch to drag this out through 18 episodes and either end with Cooper returning for a brief second, or dying and never truly coming back.

True the caveat is of course to this point. It may look entirely different at the end

I like all the weird Lynchian stuff but…

Everyone After This Week: Ohhhhh, Hawk found the missing pages of Laura Palmer's diary! Things are about to pick up!!!