Mr. Jackpots

2017 Lara Flynn Boyle looks like something out of the Black Lodge

I really want some sort of explanation about what happened to Donna before the end.

Hutch and Chantel are the breakout characters of the series.

Unless Michael Ontkean was showing up, would have been a let down without him.

My favorite moment of this episode was when Phil from Lost (no idea what his character name is in this) gets shot and the split second cut to a dummy's head exploding for the kill shot.

Next week on Twin Peaks…

This whole thing feels like a time loop, but I can't quite put it together.

I'd be really shocked if anything came of it. And nothing is over the top egregious to my knowledge. There's a couple small conversational discrepancies.

The working theory I always heard for the ring was that the person who puts it on someone or who gets someone to put it on claims their soul.

Yeah, I'm not definitively saying it's creepy, but it's like right on the fence between this sweet moment out of another time and full fledged creep.

I feel like there's an entire psychology paper on the fact that James, now in his late 40s, is trying to recreate a moment with two teenage girls who look exactly like two girls from when he was 17, one of which was murdered, and he was only attracted to because another girl she looked like was also murdered.

Because James is cool.

I think it's very possible Cooper can't or won't come back and that Dougie will thwart Doppelcoop in the end and live on.

Dougie is half of Dale Cooper. The childlike innocence without any of the reason. He can reflect the people around him and what they truly want but left to his own devices he'd stare at that statute in the courtyard until he starved to death.

Lynch is dying on the James was always cool hill. James Hurley being booked at the Roadhouse was his come at me moment.

He was also told of Richard and Linda. We have a Richard who very well may be the Doppelganger's son. Is there a yet to be introduced Linda who might be the Doppelganger's daughter?

I think Lynch has done an excellent job of painting this picture of loss and decline. The original series was pretty much presenting a picture of small town America and showing the hidden darkness within, and it culminates with that darkness escaping (quite literally).

I'm going with Audrey's in the nut hut.

Finished it. It's the weakest of the three entries, but still fun. You can tell scheduling issues dragged on it a bit, though.

There was an argument when All In The Family was on the air that Archie Bunker empowered bigots who didn't get that he was supposed to be a fool, and just felt emboldened by the fact that a guy like them was able to say what he was saying on TV.