Mr. Jackpots

It's got to be Diane.

I think we're about one or two more episodes away from things getting back to Twin Peaks. Coop probably regains his faculties over the next episode or two. Gordon has to finish his business with the doppelganger. Then I imagine we turn back towards the town.

The beaming pride from Andy and Lucy during that whole thing and the fact that they hold it for the full 4 minutes is amazing. They are so proud of this moron. I love it

The old school line made me laugh out loud, something about the way Lynch delivered it

This thing is exceeding anything I ever could have hoped for through four episodes. I would have never believed this could have possibly been this good


I am pulling for BOB to kill another Sheryl Lee just to make it a Groundskeeper Willie style hat trick

"I missed you in New York"
"You're going back in tomorrow, and I will be with Bob again"


It is peak trolling at its finest, and it's is both horrendous and kind of funny and just super weird that there's a kid in 2017 that's trying to be Marlon Brando.

It is kind of funny that Lynch replaced Michael Anderson with some kind of talking scrotum on a tree

I think the arm is also like a trickster god type? Like it's still evil, but not as evil as BOB

There's BOB and MIKE who are, for lack of a better term, spirits. MIKE is reformed. BOB is not. MIKE cuts off his arm when he reforms. The arm manifests itself as the dwarf in the original series. So MIKE and the dwarf are kind of the same, but not really…?

I thought he was good, but I wouldn't be surprised if we never revisit the South Dakota plotline again. Just seems like it was to show a DoppelCoop plot play out from beginning to end to give context to the nature of the character.

Lynch is going to get it on several levels from the 2017 blogosphere by the end of this. Violence against women, objectification of women, lack of diversity and the use of minority characters…

I'd still rewatch the Season 2 finale (or at least the Black Lodge stuff to the end). But I don't think you need to rewatch the whole series.

Like girls in the Palmer family who look like Sheryl Lee, there are many chubby Renaults

I just chalk it up to he's 100 years old, I'll give him that one at this point

Reactions will run the full gambit of emotions. But I thought it was funny

No, but I did see people bitching about that on reddit