Mr. Jackpots

I'm referring to the scene with the 'kid' and his parents and that law enforcement officer

It's on Showtime Anytime. They posted all four.

I can't wait until a scene in Episode 4 sees the light of day. That might cause a nuclear meltdown of divisiveness.

I mean that's a fair criticism if it happens. If Cooper spends 18 episodes wandering around the Black Lodge while the Twin Peaks Sheriff's Department the FBI have to put together this Cooper/Doppleganger story, yeah, that would be really bad.

There will be a healthy number of reviews like this. The show is going to infuriate people who jumped in and out of the original, or don't remember it all too well, or just don't have the patience for it.

There's some theories that as the show moves more and more back to Twin Peaks (which I think we all assume is the all roads lead here destination) it will creep in.

Yeah, I'd say that's true. Also we kind of establish BOB can possess more than one person at a time (the Matthew Lillard arc), so it's not a 1:1 of literally one equals the other.

IIRC, doesn't DoppleCoop end the Season 2 finale looking in the mirror and seeing BOB like Leland did?

No, it's someone new, but not sure which actor.

Didn't the dwarf that's absent from the revival accuse David Lynch and Jennifer Lynch of being a real life Leland and Laura Palmer?

Watch Season 2 Episode 9 and then the series finale.

Dan Fienberg wrote a pretty good piece on it for the Hollywood Reporter. It would have been very easy to take the Fuller House approach to this and make everything old new again. Strike up the Badalamenti score, Cooper yelling about pie and coffee, the sheriffs department demolishing donuts, Audrey has a seductive

We see a glimpse of him choking her out, but we don't see her die.

Rewatched the first episode. Some interesting notes:
-We know that Arnold created the reveries, but Ford specifically is fingered by Bernard as having installed them in the newest update. Ford explains later in the season that the reveries created consciousness and caused the problems with the first hosts like

-Hosts quickly devolve to in-fighting and factions develop with some wanting to kill the humans while others want to leave while others want to rebuild Westworld as their own.
-Delos survivors try to organize to survive (because I'm assuming no one can leave)
-Ghost Nation Tribe continues to operate mysteriously.

I am looking forward to Dolores' inevitable death by flash-bulb camera.

I think Season 1 is an extremely long prologue. I fully expect Season 2 to be heavily plot driven. If it isn't, that really doesn't bode well for the show's future.

I assume the train Maeve jumped off was the last train off the compound.

Ford's motivations for anything he did aren't exactly clear other than he doesn't want Delos to have possession of his creations.

They haven't distinguished whether all hosts can tell other hosts, or just Maeve. Maeve maxed out her sliders on that app, that could just be heightened awareness from that.