Spanish Flea

Isn't it a marker for any form of social progress in America when people get the idea "Hey, we can make some money off this wave?"

Trans acceptance in 2015. "You feel liberated and empowered and true to yourself for the first time. Uh huh, uh huh. Let's skip to the central question: would I want to have sex with you?"

The wights are the Warboys.

Has it been ceded? It's going to be completely different in the books (from how they meet, who's alive or around, what's happening, what's happened to them, etc.) I think either Benioff and Weiss got a preview or the first conversations will be so different that it won't matter.

You're assuming they didn't take any of it from what he's written. He may have shown them the chapter where they meet in TWoW. Won't find out until it comes out. Also, Tyrion's roster of potential allies was incomplete on the show. He failed to mention both Dorne and the Vale, the two kingdoms with fresh armies

So that’s how the story ends. Everyone finds out White Walkers can’t freeze large bodies of water even as far out as a couple hundred feet then the Andals, the First Men and the Rhoynar move back to Essos. Littlefinger multiples his wealth in the ensuing real estate bubble. All transportation issues are solved for

The difference for him is the guys with guns wait outside. I plan to become Vice President myself some day so I can find out what that's like.

This should be the standard for new Star Wars names. "Wasn't that a Nicolas Cage character?"

"Poe Dameron" is pretty good. It's windswept hair on a Tiger Beat cover. He has a s.i.c.k. new album out.

"Doctors have discovered that the seed of the man is an alien substance to the woman. It triggered responses similar to those of an 'allergic' reaction. A woman who has a husband is able to develop 'immunity' to this reaction; however, a promiscuous woman’s immune system becomes confused and unable to distinguish

That's a real thing? Obviously there shouldn't be a reality show about this family, but if you're telling me there's a scene where the parents explain to their newly of age son or daughter that they have a Muslim counterpart somewhere and the procreation contest between the two starts NOW .. I might want to watch it?

Who's responsible for the news of whether Elliott Kalan and Dan McCoy are staying on as writers? What's happening with them, Variety? Don't want one of them getting a job across the country. What happens with TDS happens, but protect the Flop House. Don't break up the Original Peaches.

Next week: "Paul Shaffer already looking for a home in the Keys, as if the corpse of David Letterman wasn't still warm."

Done for our benefit, if anything. How many "Measuring the drapes already, are you?" bits would we want?

3/4-serious theological question. Do they believe if everyone in the world followed their model (reproduce at every opportunity until it's no longer physically possible) God would somehow continue to provide for a world whose population increased x 10 each generation?

If I agree to a clinical definition will you agree while we may be correct in our terminology the description "not technically a pedophile" does at best a tiny favor to the person under discussion?

It happened twelve years ago and one of the victims is still a minor. That means she was 5 at most at the time while he was 14. Not sure what else we're supposed to call it.

Upvoted wanting HC Peter Jackson back but I also disagree on King Kong. Whatever its problems (too long, too many characters, dodgy CGI, etc.) it has some sequences in it that I like a lot. (Kong's first appearance and Kong fighting the T. Rexes, to name two.)

Yes. With some directors people ask "Don't you want to see what he/she would do with a 1-200 million dollar budget?" With Jackson I'd love to see what he'd do with a budget that was at most 20% of the size of the ones he's worked with the last 15-20 years. (Throw in a maximum length, too. 90-120 minutes, depending on

It's a legal loophole. If he'd said "unsuspecting" he'd have to admit the people wearing foundation makeup in tidy homes will have had some advance warning as to why Barry Manilow is doorstepping them with a camera crew.