Spanish Flea

"I lost armies from the Reach, the Iron Islands and Dorne .."
"Well, actually, Dorne's army is still around. Don't know what they're doing down there. Up to some pansexual orgy, most like."
"Well, they're too far away to help us in time."
"You just moved an army of 100,000 half a continent in ten minutes of screen time

"Privacy should be respected, but I like looking at celebrity anuses."

If this had actually advertised Magic Loogies it might've been the one time any of these got some clicks.

Katanas get rusty. Guns run out of ammunition. If I were in the TWD-verse the first thing I'd track down would be a reliable pair of hi-tops. All this dangerous ankle trauma.

They screened a movie about how the bombing was a miracle from God at the bomb site? That sets a new standard for tastelessness.

Is a "Like ____" name ("like the Beatles") in a screenplay better or worse than a "Like ____, except not spelled that way" name? No one other than the screenwriter has ever cared about the alternate spelling a character's name has.

I honestly can't tell if you're serious.

Cashed in on by hucksters. The synergy between low budget production houses and mega churches. If you can convince people they have a spiritual obligation to see your Stephen Baldwin movie, that's good business.

It's as clear as ever these people aren't representative Christians so much as a Christian sect whose religion is influenced more by right wing American politics (Saint Ronnie, indeed) than the teachings of the New Testament.

The lesson, as ever (if you're playing the percentages): don't become famous until you're an adult.

"My songs cause you to stare at the half-empty beer you've been nursing for an hour, shutting out the world and wondering how it all went so wrong."
"Look, I already told you you're hired. You can stop selling the act."

If Ray is dead I'd rather follow scarred Mexican waitress and any other character than Paul and Ani based on what's been shown so far.

It's 2015, Woodrugh. No one cares if you want to suck a robot's dick. Not even W. Earl Brown.

Was that really supposed to have been R'hllor's part of the bargain in full? A drop of Gendry's blood kills Joffrey and Robb while sacrificing Shireen's life heats the North up by ten degrees? Melisandre's a bad negotiator.

The worst thing about her leaving when she found out half his army deserted is it demonstrates she was truly relying on force of arms for Stannis to be successful rather than blood magic fireworks. So what was sacrificing Shireen supposed to provide? A confidence boost? Like when an athlete knows a superstition isn't

The loophole he's supposed to use there (to avoid "losing a part of himself") is warging into Ghost while his body's on ice. Can't do that on the show since they haven't established he can. Don't think it'll matter since Beric (still swanning around the Riverlands, I guess) is their only res case and he's sad and

If Stannis is his "god" then he took the Almighty's defeat and death better than I would've thought.

The reasoning some people offer for why he was killed and will be resurrected is it's so he can leave the Night's Watch, since his service requirement will have ended with his "death." Which is some lawyerly bullshit for a prophesied hero to pull.

"But I don't HAVE a daughter."
"Shit, there goes Plan A."

Moping the whole time.