Spanish Flea

Sure, and Melisandre came back to the Wall because she now believes Alliser Thorne was Azor Ahai all along.

I thought it was a clever nod to the fact that the khalasar would want to take her to Vaes Dothrak if they learned she was Drogo's widow but no, it's probably so Daario and Jorah can somehow find it in the middle of that grassy plain that extended to the horizon. As ridiculous as that is.

Also why the sellswords, who fight for money, would leave rather than the others, who fight out of personal loyalty, isn't clear. Other than "because the sellswords don't have matching costumes we can put the extras in."

Especially since the way it reads in the books the first time Ramsay has a fair fight with someone who's competent with a sword he's a dead man.

The tone of the replies to people who are critical is a lot worse than that of the criticism. "butthurt," "pathetic," "get the fuck over it, you infant." There's nothing worse for discussion of a show than people who get angry whenever someone points out what they feel are flaws in it. There can be separate threads

I assumed when her nose started to bleed as well that she'd waited to take the antidote because she wasn't taking it as there would be no point. Doran as much as said "If you try something like this again I'll execute you." Unless the twist is Doran was in on it what's she going to do now? Is she the replacement

If Doran supports Daenerys because he's trapped into doing so by Ellaria's plot or only because Trystane is killed in revenge then he deserves every insult thrown at him in AFFC.

Aegon the Conqueror himself would land Balerion, bend the knee and surrender Blackfyre if he came face-to-face with Shirtless Ramsay.

Carve it in the tree by his corpse: “Here lies TV’s Stannis Baratheon. He wanted a gold crown, but he needed a bad pussy.”

I want an Expert Witness from the intern who had to inspect hand sizes and cast sneaky glances at jean bulges to make dick size estimates. "It was then I knew I'd never be a ballerina."

There's also the leap you'd have to take past wondering if someone could help stage a suicide-by-gunshot by plying him with smack why not stage it as a simple overdose (accidental or not) instead?

"This thief is hot. I can't even look at him. Why would he want ME? He's so hot. I'm just some rough draft. He's unbelievably hot. Maybe he's sick to want to steal things, but ARGH, why is he so hot?"

How will they verify a leak when anyone with middle school on up reading and writing ability could pen a chapter and put it online and you wouldn't know if it was legit since no one's ever said "This is too poor to have been written by EL James?"

I can only assume EUM didn't notice that the mustard drizzle is FREE.

I'm confused by how Dr. Storm's response to the criticism his project's wasted millions of dollars and hasn't accomplished anything is to reassure the oversight committee he's just hired a 20-year-old who's intellectually far beyond anyone else on the team.

"If you really liked me, you'd know." — The AV Club, behaving like a bad girlfriend/boyfriend since 2015

Do you think it's time for those ads to go? Prove it!

Some 2016 millennial romcom trailer: "Stay away from that girl. She's Kirsten Dunst." "What do you mean?" "You know, Crazy/Beautiful." 2016 millennial romcom trailer's audience: silent.

More a7x fans than you'd think are aspiring stenographers.

That may be generous. More likely he put an M-80 in a cafeteria spud one day. He'll tell you all about it. He'll tell everyone about it until he's 60. It was "legendary." (legndry?)