Spanish Flea

Especially if they involve Johnny Depp's dogs.

Meet in the middle and fine Tim Burton's dogs $340,000?

Or she was adopted. All the fun of foreign culture without the foreign features!

Still set in NYC, but filmed in Toronto.

Davos' first duty whenever they move is finding the nearest HobbyTown.

"Doesn't make a whole lot of sense but whatever."

Sure you're right. Well, we can all at least agree the show has multiple evil vaginas.

Missed opportunity for Littlefinger to look through the peephole and see Lancel making the "shame, shame" finger gesture.

Since it looked like Jorah touched Tyrion last week I don't know. Maybe you have to touch an affected area? Good luck tracing the pathology.

Novelty t-shirts sold in cheap corner stores in Volantis: "I got my ass high in Asshai."

The fact that the context has never presented itself for me to be able to say "Play with her ass a little" in the middle of a monologue explaining what motivates and guides me in life is why I've never bothered with one.

"I, too, thought Greyscale was incurable in adults until I discovered this herbal remedy from Asshai. Yours for the introductory price of 19 Dragons and 99 Stags."

"Cersei's Sentient, Evil Vagina." Gimmick accounts have been built on less.

Happy now, complainers? No rapes this week. Just the implication of multiple rapes between last episode and this one and an attempted rape. WHEN WILL YOU PEOPLE BE SATISFIED?

Yeah, after the first paragraph I was ready to say "Ew, someone got Reddit all over my AV Club."

They even redid the "abusive fiancee [husband] walks her outside to show her the remains of an old woman who'd been kind to her" scene. Any hope of building on the "Sansa as a developing player of the game" arc is gone. She's right back in King's Landing, relying on others - relying on the guy she thinks murdered her

Translation: grumble grumble kill Balon already grumble.

Was there a sneaky angle on Aemon's deathbed I missed?

Thought she was talking about the "I" in Withnail & I.

Let's be honest, do we think the question "Wait, is there a way we can do this scene so the character doesn't expose her breasts?" has ever been asked at the GoT writers table?