Spanish Flea

"We guarantee to get at least one respectful nod out of you."

Where? The post-episode article? Show Littlefinger is such a clown.

Mention it or not the show's Myranda looks enough like Fairuza Balk that it'll never be completely out of your mind while watching.

If all Baelish has to do is tell Cersei Sansa's at Winterfell and is marrying Ramsay to get her to authorize an invasion of the North by the Vale why didn't he tell Cersei that while Sansa stayed with Robin? Bring her to the North after, reveal her once you've defeated the Boltons or Stannis and then do whatever you

I wish the writers showed her some respect by honoring the arc they've had her character on for the last two seasons instead of slapping the reset button to make her the damsel in a spoiled psychopath's tower again.

Costumes: "Should we dress them differently and show their faces so it's easier to follow the action and get emotionally invested?"

See? Perspective helps. (Yes, the way the show uses rape as a plot point isn't in any way to its credit.)

Show Lollys wasn't raped. There's that. So, one could say they added three rapes but took out a hundred. -97. Doesn't sound so bad now!

Watching this season has been a little like reading fan theories on the Internet. Sometimes diverting or inspired but mostly it looks like the people who came up with it don't understand the world or the characters that well and by the end of the post (episode) I'm mostly thinking "Man, I hope the next book comes out

"A coworker overheard you saying you intend to bring your 'conceptual pussy' to the office."
"Are you a gender fluid counterrevolutionary?"
"[Thumbs through the workbook.]"

So we agree? Because I'm thinking Chris Evans.

In this hour's "Adventures in Words Disappearing from Headlines Because I'm Not Paying Attention" I wonder what possible narrative thread can be created to link Emmett Till with Cher.

Does Barnaby Joyce have a "What if Keith Richards were a pirate? I think it would go a little something like this .. " routine? No? Then you have your answer.

"Godzilla is threatening. No argument there, but what if he was doing, like, some Matrix-y shit dressed in black vinyl?"

Marty's an LSU fan. He digs '90s Pink Floyd. He'll have a dad conversation with anyone.

For everyone who might've thought "Worst case, they'll only keep going until one of the main voice actors dies," we're going to need a new threshold.

So that's how he's different from G.W. He belongs to the "reality-based community."

"Far out, man, and what is consent, really? If we can't give consent while we're asleep are dreams the act of, like, being raped by our subconscious? If I say to you 'hamster' and you have no choice but to picture a hamster, have I violated your headspace? What are rape accusations but individuals subjectively

"Shouldn't it be 'Smashing Pumpkins?' 'The Smashing Pumpkins' doesn't make a heck of a lot of sense, Bill."
"Shut up, mom! You don't know."
"If you're warm you can take that sweater off .. "
"Are you staying for dinner .. er, Marilyn? Do you like lasagna?"
" … "
"O.K. Well, I'll be down in the kitchen

Corgan's bundling himself in a mom hoodie with patchy neck stubble highlighting his double chin and somehow Manson still looks sillier. That's just veteran savvy right there.