I don’t have short ribs but here’s a good kinja article. https://skillet.lifehacker.com/5-succulent-meats-you-should-make-in-your-instant-pot-1822311136
I don’t have short ribs but here’s a good kinja article. https://skillet.lifehacker.com/5-succulent-meats-you-should-make-in-your-instant-pot-1822311136
Screw this guy. I tried to listen to nerdist podcast many many years ago and I remember not really enjoying him. There is something about his schtick that seemed way too pandering or fake. Hopefully justice will be done.
What was the magic comment that brought you out of the grays? I would have it screenshotted as my background if I ever made it out.
*Jim Gaffigan silent voice after this premieres in theatres* Why’s no one watching? Should I do more food jokes?
I concur! I’ve been gray on every site except the frickin’ AVCLUB and I’ve frequented these sites for like five years.
Get well Fahey, we miss you man.
I love this.
I love this show too. Vernon is the best side character. The boys need their trash juice!
For excellent map design please refer to Far Cry 5. That map is incredible. I know they wrote an article about it a couple days ago but I just love it so much.
They were able to carry all the plot threads through each hour in a masterful way during this crossover. I haven’t watched Arrow in two seasons but I understood their relationship and was glad to see the moment tie together in the ending. The same goes for Marty and Jax’s ending. It was really an emotional ending to…
These team ups absolutely rock so far this year. I love Kara and Ollie’s evil costumes and it looks like they’re loving playing the evil characters. So far, so great. I can’t wait for tomorrow!
Was that the game with the commercial that had the asian guy yelling ‘your ancestors are weeping!’?? Cause if it was I love that and I yell that phrase out like once a day at someone.
I couldn’t get into her as a companion. What episode is it maybe I’ll try again.
That’s great footage and a fine performance by him.
How dare you not mention TWO BROTHERS
There is an Imgur post here that goes over how to do everything right from the start and it worked perfectly for me. A lot of people complain of getting over the 265 hump but by following this and saving all my tokens I blew past it to 270.
I saw this with a coworker and she expressed a similar sentiment about this movie as well. Her friend who was sitting beside her dug her fingers into her knee so badly she has marks there a few days later.
I saw this on Sunday night. The theatre didn’t groan, and no one left, but there were some audible gasps. I am incredibly glad I saw this film but I can’t decide how I feel about it. I kind of feel that its either a brilliant master piece and maybe my favorite film ever....or I might never want to see it again because…
I figured it out. I loved the article and I like documentaries so both seem right up my alley.