
Chances are, whatever is being sold here is meant to not be dependent on a smartphone, but will integrate smartphone connectivity into it.

This is true for basically all voice assistants

To add to this. Bidet’s will save water by also reducing the need for TP and reducing the water use for manufacturing TP

Amusingly, the original battlefield 1942 and BF2 are likely still playable online.

While im inclined to agree, the changes they made to the witcher definitely haven’t been for the better, overall. Also doesn’t help that as much as I enjoyed S1, it was a confusing mess for the audience

While I knew Zangief is smarter than he looks, didnt realize he is an avid reader

I may as well buy a few booster boxes of the LotR set, one of the few times where I have little doubt the set will up in value.

given how big LotR is, how much MTG has grown, and the fact that Post is worth 45 million. I don’t think he’s worried, that card will likely hold value

I imagine/speculate those types of people are the same folks who can’t function in public because they are toxic, and don’t like being told their idealogy is bad, and they’re lashing out because their idealogy is being challenged in what was once their safe space

Ghost kitchens would make sense, if it’s just cooking for delivery/take-out, without dine-in services. But, making up a BS restaurant, that is just rebranded and crappier CPK or macaroni grill or w/e is not acceptable.

That is a fair point. My limited understanding of things in WWII is that Japan was unlikely to surrender, and was ready to die to the last citizen. The detonation of the nuke was the only thing that took away any desire to fight from them. I don’t know if the same sentiment existed among the German armies of WWII

i imagine if they took the same approach to things as germany did to their role in wwii, this would be a moot point

I mean, they can take a similar route to MS/Sony, and have the successor use the same architecture and just update it with more current versions.

Thing is, sometimes things don’t even need to be connected. Plus, I get the feeling that they’re doing too much. Like, Im surprised that theyre making a show for agatha for example. Personally, I also am disappointed that it sounds like we won’t get another season of she-hulk or moon knight (the former being amusing

The shows generally felt like tie-ins to the movies, like they’re supposed to be the EU to Star Wars. Not necessary to watch, but they add detail to the world.

Ok, so I wasn’t the only one who didn’t feel impressed. I wonder if the original was made on film and was digitized

Sweet, didn’t watch this one until years later, not sure how much I care for a blu-ray remaster of it, but good to see BTAS is still celebrated.

Was a fun time going this year as a last hurrah. Probably going to be my last SD comicon for some time. The cost, lines, heat, etc, all add up to make it a hassle thats no longer justifiable, plus my group has basically gone our separate ways

Isnt this macbook hitting EoL after this year?

Fun Fact: You can get a titanium framing hammer. They’re much lighter than steel, but they transfer significantly more energy to the nail, and they’re usually 4x more costly