Should also be noted, florida passed extremely strict laws against hiring undocumented workers, it basically killed a chunk of their talent pool if im not mistaken
Should also be noted, florida passed extremely strict laws against hiring undocumented workers, it basically killed a chunk of their talent pool if im not mistaken
I’m sure she does. I mean, she’s one of the top streamers on twitch, it would be odd if she just up and left without any sort of update. Not to mention, lots of streamers are doing this.
Lets see, not even 30 years old. Financially set for life. Probably tired of doing the same thing for a decade. Can basically move on and bigger and better things without having to worry about hustling
Thing is, I bet they keep em that way by design. I am sure many of these live service devs have a set of staff dedicated to maximizing how long someone sits in front of their game.
I put live service games into the “if you aren’t paying for it, you are the product,” category. Games that are limited in content, and inflated by requiring you to do fetch quests over and over while not really having a story or advancing it.
Long as there is a market containing people willing to buy em, publishers will sell them. I also imagine the cost of production makes MTXs have low overhead on recouping costs and turning a profit.
Sounds like AC Mirage is a solid return to the roots of the franchise type game since it came out.
I have mixed feelings if they make the next one too similar to either of these. I want a more cohesive story, some more depth to the dungeons, and not 150 micro puzzle shrines that lack any depth. Not to mention the same world map. I have spent over 100 hours in totk, with little remorse, but I cannot see myself doing…
Im all for Liara making an appearance and allusions to the original trilogy, but I really don’t want them to just bring back shepard...
the only way I can see this working is if they have 2 protagonists, one in the milky way, and the other being in andromeda, being able to go back and forth feels like it would basically remove any sense of grounding from the story
IMO, Personally, I have two reasons for not using running shoes for weightlifting, particularly powerlifts (deadlifts, squats, standing press...). Barbell/dumbbells should be ok generally as long as the foot is stable.
Haven’t played since lightfall. The seasonal stuff is a slog, and feels like a job. The seals all have the same issue. Too much of the game doesn’t respect the players time. I am disappointed the story goes out like this to be honest.
the latest season is a solid example of this. Solid stakes, build up, good ideas, but the climax was a lame cop out
In their defense, D2 launch had a strong start, but no seasonal model or postgame content to keep players engaged. Forsaken was very strong, and the follow-up seasons were also strong. Shadowkeep was lackluster, but led with some solid seasonal activities (black garden, followed by sundial, worthy meh, arrivals good, e…
The F2P aspect is a lie every since sunsetting was implemented. The game is free to try these days.
They basically want it to be the only game you play. Streamers and no-lifers need to act like they have content, so chances are their feedback went this route as well.
The whole thing is a GaaS, you can’t play without internet, and once the servers shutdown, the game is gone. You’re already renting it.
Much as I love Gears. I wish they made a new IP/game instead of a sequel with Gears 4. They can keep elements of gears, the cover style combat, the chainsaw bayonets, etc, but, make a new story and a new protagonist, Marcus has already been through enough
Majority of people will have have a standardized use case. Cat6 supports gigabit connectivity without issue. Going to bestbuy’s website shows they don’t even carry cat5 anymore, so I imagine that bit is a non-issue for most lay-users.
I really should start collecting free titles from epic games store.