
My expectations were much more humble than that to be honest. I would have been happy with an updated processor so their own 1st and 2nd party games could operate without severe frame drops (like breath of the wild in some parts and age of calamity). I would have been happy if the updated model had better battery as

I probably should have clarified better.

Me too, waiting for the early adopters to get their hands on this thing and go to town on it.

Then people will just use this thing to emulate all of their nintendo games.

If valve supports this thing properly, this can actually challenge console gaming head on. Button placement aside, this looks like a device that the switch should have become by now.

Oh wow, that’s awesome. I wasn’t sure from the CPU, but I imagine this is an x86 processor, not an ARM processor

If Valve leaves the device open enough to the homebrew community, chances are this will become the portable emulation station that people want.

Looks cool, as others stated, game storage is going to be a problem.

Fake makes bank, and she isn’t the only one on that train.

You are aware that some of these streamers, successful as they are, might not actually be functioning adults?

They would have to go to a new manufacturer for sticks, xbox and sony have the problem too, but the controllers are larger and require being more rebust

This feels like an insult of a product. $50 more for a 4 year old console, with the only improvement being the screen material. No resolution change or CPU/GPU change.

Charging money for roms is probably what did it for him. Otherwise, ROMs are about as damaging as they are accessible. If the games are easily accessible, there’s little incentive for roms.

Quantity is the real threat here. A few chips or one single bite of a hot dog won’t make your dog sick right away

Quantity is the real threat here. A few chips or one single bite of a hot dog won’t make your dog sick right away, but if they’re cute and shameless, they can easily beg their way into consuming dangerous amounts of salt and fat from well-meaning partygoers.

it’s a better keyboard in general imo

So, looks like I will hold out on W11 until I have no choice

Fair point, but bad example. As the SNES all-stars cartridge had redone graphics and audio, and included an additional game that wasn’t released in the US, so 4 games, in one cartridge, with updated graphics and sound. IIRC, if you bought an SNES, there was a promo to get the game cheap/for free as well (my parents

*Shrug* I wrote it that way to give the benefit of the doubt.

It’s weird, because you would think a multi-million dollar, successful, company like Nintendo can afford to invest some of their resources into a virtual console catalog of sorts. They could have NoA handle this aspect even. MS took the approach of surveying the public for games in demand, shouldnt be any different