
Suggestion: unsubscribe from all the default subs and build it up from scratch.

I mean, in the public view, everyone loves them. But then, all of them are miserable places to work. Amazon in particular is know to be exhausting

Hmm, no touchID, no headphone jack. Meh, I will wait for the SE update.

If the main game is comparable (if not greater) in content than TTK, it’ll be enough to entertain me for 3 months without being stale

Probably Sonys doing

Argh, and here I just bought a new laser printer. Hopefully I can still return it to best buy

Argh, and here I just bought a new laser printer. Hopefully I can still return it to best buy

Thanks for actually posting sources instead of a snarky response. I do appreciate it.

Pretty sure this is vulnerable to the biggest weaknesses of dumb locks, bump keys.

Can you provide a source on this?

It would be the equivalent of going to an ER and saying you have chest pain

Like others said, Sony doesn’t have to do too much to stay ahead. Especially after X1s horrible horrible launch and aftermath. MS has since then done a lot of improvements, but it’s hard to close the gap.

I haven’t checked the feature/specs for the new note yet, but, what features/functionality are they offering that could justify a 1000$ investment in a phone when competitor models are half the price

And, I will stick to my choice of not buying one. Jeez. That’s as much as a mid-high level PC

Okay, so I wasn’t the only one

Sadly, the eclipse has passed. That said, next time there’s an eclipse, Please feel free to look at it start to finish, without any shielding or safety glasses. Let us know your results too.

And it’s 12$ right now. Sweet

doesnt apple use that shiny type white plastic?

One problem I have with white plastic is that it eventually starts fading to an ugly color. Clean it all you want, eventually, the plastic itself starts changing color

I’ve had it for a while. It was at a good price at the time

For your average joe, using a car as a commuter/all purpose vehicle. You won’t get much more benefit out of things by straying from the OEM hardware, with few exceptions.